I hooked up the BatteryMINDer ( BatteryMINDer Charger/Maintainer/Desulphator - 1.3 Amp, 12 Volt, Model# 12117) before leaving for a 3 day camping trip. By the time I was leaving it had gone into maintenance mode (green light flashing). I habitually turned off the garage door power as for every long trip, without realizing that the BatteryMINDer was on the same circuit as the garage door. :doh: But here is the tricky part: I did think of the question whether the BatteryMINDer was on the same circuit or not. So I looked at it after turning off the garage door power. It was merrily flashing green (even though it has lost AC power). So I thought it was on a different circuit. Apparently there is enough charge stored in capacitors in the BatteryMINDer to keep the green LED flashing for a while after losing AC power. And I was tricked by the flashing green light into thinking that AC power was still available for the BatteryMINDer. As a result the 12V battery got extra stress (supplying power to the BatteryMINDer to turn on LEDs etc.) during the 3 and half days.
Why did you feel you needed a battery minder for just 3 days? I've left my Prius sitting in my garage for 3 weeks with no concern about the 12v battery. The car started up fine when I returned.
I believe the car battery is powering the LED grn. light. Whenever I pull the plug on my maintainer from 120, the grn. light stays on until I unplug it from the car as well! Hal
No need, just wanted to keep the battery in good condition. Of course now it had gone through unnecessary stress. Yes I know about the steady green light. It was the flashing green light (indicating maintenance mode) that fooled me.
Having had surgery 3 months ago, I could not drive, AT ALL!!! I put a Ctek unit on my battery, I started a thread on the subject, and I can say that after 3 months without driving the car, I hopped in, disconnected the Ctek unit, THE CAR STARTED WITH NO PROBLEMS. Ya just gotta supply continous AC!