Today, the first cold day since I bought my Prius in May, it surprised me by placing a new ikon on the dash. Looked like two drips falling thru a hole in the the roof and landing on a snowflake. Was this some meaningful anime object or maybe a kanji character warning me in Japanese of some ominous condition. I drove a block or two before pulling over to consult the short form manual. It identified the newcomer as a low temperature indicator. Well, that was no news. The video display continuously tells me the outside temperature, with remarkable precision all year round. So it's cold out. So what. And why does it have to stay lit throughout the trip, or throughout the winter I suppose. Checked the complete edition of the manual which told me what it is, but not what I should do about it. Anybody have any thoughts ?
Lots of threads on this, just search for 'snowflake'. As for what you should do, just watch for icy conditions.
Oh it is cold back there. You will see more of the snowflake than I will! Learn love it for it will be with you for fore the nex few months.
I made a similar post a few days ago. It is a bit of a shock, given the size of the icon on the MFD! I found it quite distracting. Someone implied if we were to read the owner's manual we would not be surprised by seeing this. Can someone tell me where to get a photographic memory?
my husband had 4 people come into the shop, literally freaking out about this light yesterday... you guys aren't alone.
That's what they told me when I went to the Antarctic, the New Zelanders still had sled dogs down there then. Don't know if they still do or not. Actually my problem with the yellow snowflake icon is that it's on all the time (well most of the time where I live) and I'm afraid it will teach me to ignore the other yellow warning lights. May have to use the tape, of course thats like having no warning but I guess that's OK because I already know it's cold every morning.
You're at least half right. Don't be cowed by the RTFM crowd. Those people are killing newbies right and left over on the Yahoo boards with that stuff.
The Japanese are known to be, as a whole, even more gadgety than we are. They went too far with the Eternal Snowflake. I'd hate to be in International Falls with a Prius!
lots of people forget that roads can be iced, even without snow or rain falling down.... thats why icon is an reminder. Kind of funny, but I had people not wanting to buy an car without ice reminder...
SNowflake symbol? Yeah, I got that. The Prius did fine today in our fresh 6" of snow (varied a bit, the below pic is in about 4"). I tackled hills with no slippage at all. [Broken External Image]: [Broken External Image]: [Broken External Image]:
Boxster, looking at your car's picture opened my eyes to yet another Prius safety feature---certainly totally unintended byToyota, too. I was raised in upstate NY, with very snowy winters. If you didn't brush/scrape the snow off your car's [flat] roof after a storm, and if at the bottom of the snow was any kind of wet/icy stuff, you could count on the fact that when you came to your first STOP, almost ALL the stuff on the roof would come hurtling forward, obliterate your ability to see out the windshield momentarily, then continue on off of the car in some haphazard fashion when you started up again. In fact, when I was young(er) and stupid, I'd deliberately do it when I could. :blink: But with the pitch on the Prius roof, there's not that much space for snow on the "downhill run" going toward the front. I doubt the stuff down by the rear window would come up and over. Be careful "up" there.