I'm taking over a lease on a 2010 Prius 4 - purchased in December. A couple of Key questions?. How many keys and what type of keys come with the car when new?. Also isn't it true you must return all keys when lease it up?. And what is the cost to get an extra smart key if there is only one?. Here is why I ask: Guy had to have Prius towed from his ex-wifes home. Found the following service done: PROGRAMMED REMOTE AS REQUESTED. SPECIAL ORDERED LASER KEY. CUSTOMER WILL RECEIVE PROGRAMMED REMOTE AS REQUESTED. SPECIAL ORDERED LASER KEY. CUSTOMER WILL RECEIVE ~|~CUSTOMER REQUESTS TO HAVE KEY PROVIDED AND PROGRAMMED I'm guessing since he repo it - he had to have a new key made from the description above?. But should there not be two?. She kept the plates or never put them on the car and no owners booklets either. Car in perfect shape... but should he not give me two keys if the above sounds like he only has one?. Wouldn't i get charged if there is only one key upon lease turn in and if that one gets lost from what i have read - it gets really expensive.
All new cars come with two keyfobs each of which contains a mechanical key. Make sure you get both. You are correct new keyfobs are expensive, and losing the only key is even more so, as it requires reprogramming of the computer in the car as well as the keyfobs.
Thanks direstraits71. This is what i figured. And as i read lease end agreement, both keys need to be turned in or your charged for them. Feel bad for the guy that he had to repo the car - but I'm guessing the service order listed above was to replace and program only one. Any idea what 2nd key cost if reprogramming of computer is not needed?
The cost varies by the dealer you go to, but as I recall an average value from all the threads here on the subject might be about $200. Some have bought used keys and had them programmed by locksmiths, but it seems there are only a few locksmiths in the country that can do this on a previously programmed fob. Otherwise the dealers will sell you a new keyfob and program it for you. Shop around if you value your money since some have quoted costs much higher than $200 and gone to another dealer and found the costs far less.
OK checked with Stealers.... All want 250.00 to 275.00 for the FOB --- another 100.00 for the key and 95.00 to program total: 450.00 or so... is there not a place to buy cheaper?. Even new online?. Help?
Here's a thread that provides some info about reprogramming Prius Gen 3 smart keys. I got used keys on eBay and got extra keys programmed for a lot less than what the dealer charges. http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...5-reprograming-used-smartkeys-2010-prius.html
Since the lease says you need to turn in 2 keys at the end, and you are taking over the lease, my position would be the car needs to be turned over to me with 2 keys.
Here is a link to the Owner's Manual: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...7-2010-prius-owners-manual-available-pdf.html Read edit #7 of post 1 by Boo. I agree with Stream, unless you get two key fobs with their mechanical keys and can test them to make sure they work I would look elsewhere. Also suggest taking a long test drive and looking the car over very carefully to make sure it really is like new. State DMV should be able to tell you if it has been registered and in who's name? If this car is part of a contested divorce settlement how would that effect a lease? I would be tempted to run the other way! Good luck.
Very good point. Even if the lease is in the husbands name only, since CA is a community property state, the lease is part of the marriage. I'd move on and find another car.
Not really the issue I was talking about, but points well taken. FYI Car was in his name and Toyota already approved the lease transfer - so nothing to be be done at this point BUT I am still looking for good answer to where to buy and get a extra key programmed. Car is fine - I'm guessing Divorce is not
Any idea what the part number is for Original Toyota Smart Key?. Can't seem to locate - can only find the auto start key with the 4th button. And how much more is that one to install?.