Anecdotes aren't worth much; you need a real subject pool. That said, 24k on mine and zero problems that required trip to dealer or repairs. Even if it is the least reliable Prius the rest are seriously robust so it doesn't degrade it much. Don't worry about it, truly.
Although my prius was purchased in March 2011, I have had no problems what so ever with only 3,000miles. What may cause someone to believe the 2010's are bad is because Consumer Reports gave it the first "black circle" on the brakes. Everything since 2005 have been almost all red or half red circles. The one black circle is a real bumer since the brake problem was due to software and negative press (IMO). The brake problem has been fixed. Recommend you pick up an Arpil 2011 CR and check it out. The Prii is still tops with solid red circles for used car reliability.
I have had no problems with my 2010, which I purchased in Sept. 2009, with the exception of a couple of minor rattles in the dash.
op2: Been waiting for this..... Actually, the G3 seems to be pretty reliable. As some have pointed out a single problem can skew anybody's perception of a car's reliability. "My" 2010 G3 (11,000 miles) has been the only car I've driven in the last 13 years that's ever had a problem resulting in a call for assistance and a trip to the dealer. Caveats: It's a fleet car, it was a 12-v battery failure, and if it would have been my personal car I would have worked it out without the dealer, and probably sans tow truck since I always carry jumper cables in my other vehicles. So..... Blame the folks in Aichi? Naah. Not for the failure, maybe for the fact that the freekin battery is too expensive!!!! Take Away: My months in learning about Priuses have led me to believe that the G3 is just about as mechanically reliable as the G2's, and Priuses in general are more reliable than average---which is what the little red circles mean if you're a devotee of CR and I think that they're mostly correct in their observations...(JMHO.) Yeah.....they're a little quirky, but you shouldn't be worried about a higher MTBF with this type. Your call. You can always keep the G2.
Yep and as I posted at, the people who gave it the bad score for brakes didn't follow CR's directions. If somewhere above 3% of respondents didn't follow directions, that'd give it the bad score.
Bought mine in August 2009. I did have a problem with the Toyota-sourced iPod adaptor, and after the dealership replaced it with a third-party unit, that problem vanished. Just crossed 25,000 miles, and aside from the "brake recall", I haven't been in for service since (I do my own routine maintainence). I regard CR as more of a comic book. I've purchased products they've recommended that failed, wore out prematurely, performed badly, all contrary to their "data". They believe that, just because they don't take ads, they're unbiased. They are in fact very parochial & exhibit strong, consistent biases. Their automobile reliability assessment process is very qualitative & nearly junk.
I took delivery of my MY 2010 in June 2009, nearly 30K miles, no problems, routine maintenance is all. Love the car.
I purchased my 2010 Prius three months ago and am approaching 5,000 miles -- not one problem. I love this car ...
With this kind of feedback, it seems like OP should have ended the title of this thread with a question mark.
We have 24000 miles and only concern is twice in really cold weather it has made the engine rattle(noise) on start up. It has only been to dealer for oil change and tire rotation. It did get the brake software update at an oil change date. Since June 22 2009 it has averaged on the cars computer 55.1 MPG(about 3 above actual). So far it has been a great car to drive.
I've got 50,000 miles on mine and the only problem is the one most people have when hitting the brakes on a bumpy road (or railroad tracks) and it wants to surge forward. Otherwise, getting 54mpg summer and about 45 mpg winter( it's brutal up here). Wife keeps it in showroom shape and it gets washed at least once a week, every week of the year. I'm lovin it
I'm with the consensus, that title is just wrong.... Bought mine in Nov '09. I did have the brake problem, haven't since software updated, so it should not be a problem for you. There are some dash rattles. Test drive the car before you buy it, see if it has rattles. I just turn up the stereo It would be better without rattles. Biggest problem, I didn't like the stock radio choices, so I went aftermarket. Window smashed dash pulled apart. Nasty, but it was theives. I removed the broken pieces and replaced. No more rattles. I wouldn't put stock in rumors that the car has more problems than previous prii. They have improved many things over your generation of it. It is a prius and has some design quirks, but so does the gen II.
I own a 2010 IV and my wife owns a 2010 II. Both Prii are the most trouble free cars we ever owned. Never been back to the dealer other than the free oil changes and no rattles. I did own a Sears Kenmore front loading washer which Consumer Reports Rated as most reliable best washer out there. It failed twice so I replaced it with a lower rated and much cheaper LG washer which has been trouble free. Go figure!
Not true. I've got a 2010 with 14K miles on it and 0 problems. I've also got a 2006 for my long commute to work and 0 problems with that one... if you discount my bending the front end on someone else's rear end...
Not true. 2010 Prius III with 30K miles and no problems. I have had two minor interior issues that were resolved under warranty. No mechanical issues to date. Oil changes and tire rotations.
At the risk of partially repeating an earlier post of mine on here, I've had a LOT of cars in my 48 years of driving and this is the best of them all! We bought ours 06/06/09 but only have about 25K on it so far.
I looked at the posting history of the OP, and I have no reason to believe they are not serious with their query. But I'm always kind of amazed when a "question" like this get's raised in Prius Chat? What answer do you expect? This is Prius Chat, this is specifically a forum for support of the product, many owners and enthusiasts abound.... To answer your question, I have very carefully watched this forum since before the release of the 2010. Since being released early, it's now 2011- and his been out now for more than a year... There were some 1st year issues, most of them minor, and if I was in the market for a Prius, I certainly wouldn't be put off by fears of reliability issues. I guess however to the OP? My question is why if you are happy with your 2006 are you even thinking about trading in? I tend to keep vehicles I'm happy with a long time,- that's just me... But if I had a relatively low miles 2006? That I've been happy with? I'd just keep driving it...