I have a question for those that have replaced the squaker. Do any of you guys think it would be possible to fit a 4" speaker there or was the aftermarket 3.5 pretty much pushing the room limits.
Agreed - the Pioneer 3.5" fits, but it's very tight (no cutting) - anything larger, and you'll be trimming dash plastic... BTW - best bang for your buck in my opinion (3.5")
I still had to trim for a 3.5 but not much. Follow the A/V Upgrade in my signature... Cutting is not a bad thing if done right. So I you do, go that route, take photos.
I had the same problem Spidy did, the Pioneer 3.5 inch TS-A878 wouldn't sit flat without some trimming. It wasn't very difficult to trim and the results were worth the effort.
Trimming is fine I mainly wanted to know ifu guys thought there was room for cutting and have the cover be able to cover it MB860 ?
That's the point - and you could fit a 4" under with trimming. Keep in mind, the plastic 'cover' only has like a 2.5" opening for sound....
I did the cutout and fabric approach. With my 20-20 hindsight, I would trim the speaker cover like Spiderman did in his .pdf and try it so see if I could hear a difference with the cover held in-place and removed. Have someone hold the cover over the speaker and remove it while you listen without looking to see what they are doing. Just have them tell you when they make a change but not always make the change when they say they do. If you can't reliably tell the difference, then there is no reason to make the hole bigger.