I have seen my pics of 2001 prius having rear spoilers,mine came without one. Does the spoiler offer any fuel consumption or aerodynamics advantages?
I have a 2003 prius, and I think the spoiler is mostly for cosmetic reasons and doubt seriously that it has much impact at the speeds the prius is capable of achieving.
I agree that the spoiler serves a cosmetic purpose primarily. If your Prius does not have a spoiler, then my guess is that it is an NHW10 model which was sold only in the Japan domestic market. If the MFD display appears in the Japanese language, that would be further evidence that the vehicle is JDM. In that event, the presence or lack of a spoiler is the least of your worries - the biggest worry is how to replace the D-cell based traction battery when it dies, not to mention the general lack of spare parts for the powertrain and hybrid system.
Thanx for the input.You are right Patrick, my prius is JDM but one correction though,the model is NHW11 as indicated by the VIN.
Actually the spoiler is not cosmetic but indeed functional. There was an enterprising fellow about 8-9 years ago that proved the aero benefits of the G1 spoiler with sticky tabs all over his rear window and spoiler. The difference was quite dramatic and caused a 3-4 mpg drop with the spoiler off as the wind was pulling underneath the bumper, while the spoiler pushed the tumblehome wind passed the rear and away from the car.
Check this out too! Documenting NHW11 Prius rear window flow separation; testing AirTab vortex generators - Fuel Economy, Hypermiling, EcoModding News and Forum - EcoModder.com
I have always wondered about putting a duplicate spoiler on the rear roof of the Prius sedan if the would help at all, besides making the car looking super cool, or super rice depending on your point of view!