Hey Prius purveyors! Just checking in from NYC here! I've owned my Prius since '07 and drive it everyday without falter I'd post some pics of my ride but I'm at work right now and I should be..well, working Anywhoo, I hope to chat with you distinguished peeps at one point or another!
They own them but they cannot find places to park them so they just drive in circles all day. How else do you explain the crazy traffic? Welcome to PC!
HEEYYY! I can generally find a parking space within three blocks of my house. Some poeple here even have driveways and garages, although I wish I did. That being said there are times I need to drive circles looking for parking spot.
We are not necessarly nuts. There are times it is actually cheaper to own a car than to use public transportation in NYC. Using public transportation round trip is $4.50 per person, children start paying full fare once they reach 44 inchs. So for my family of four right now it'd cost $13.50. That'll put alot of fuel in our Prius. Also one of our children has a physical impairment and needs an adaptive stroller, think wheelchair for kids, and most of the trains in NYC is not handicapped-accessible.
Welcome to PriusChat.:welcome: I'm sure you have lots of New York Prius stories since owning your 07.