**FREE DELIVERY **200 Miles Offering free delivery within a few hundred miles , or will deliver anywhere if you pay the gas & return flight !
If you were closer to where I live (and I could somehow cancel the $1000 I just put down to have one ordered) --- I'd buy yours. I'm truly surprised no one has jumped at this yet ... you have it priced very reasonably.
Thanks for the kind words - Yes I find it hard to believe also - Not a single serious inquiry - Guess I am just in the wrong location - Best of Luck
you must be doing something wrong. several people a day are here saying they just paid big bucks for a used prius. you have it on craigs list?
I don't see any seat covers in the pictures (they are both exterior). Are you willing to sell the seat covers separately? If so what kind are they and where are the pics?
I would post it on eBay. I just sold mine that way. I put it on Craigslist and had a couple people interested. But, nobody with money. eBay is free locally and if advertised nationally they only charge you a flat fee of $125.
BTT Still avail , has almost 11 k miles now am not ready to put it on ebay ,their fees plus paypal fees cost way too much IMO but thanks for the advice. I still love driving mine - its been 100 % Perfect , still not a single squeak or rattle yet ! I will probably put some miles on during summer vacations.
You don't take payment via PayPal. They give you a certified check and once funds clear you hand them the keys. The eBay fee is only $125 flat. Not other charges. Just another option if you want to sell it.
Go to eBay...a lot more people there. Don't worry about PayPal, no one with a brain would use that for a 24k purchase. It's hard for you to sell because of financing. Lenders lend easier via stealerships. Hey, you have CARMAX by your place? They do appraisals for free, which you will need to provide to your buyer if they plan to finance it. Good luck and your car is reasonably priced.