I meant on hills. I've noticed that in my GenII I can regen MUCH faster in B than in drive when going down steep grades. Maybe it is a GenII thing? I totally agree about gliding as long as you can and not using any brakes and very little regen if you are on flat grades but you would know way better than I. You're MPG numbers blow me away.
I don't own a Prius yet, waiting for the PHV and I have been reading everything I can from you guys about B drive, when to use it to regen more than D drive can. Q. Can I shift to B drive when I am decelerating, just like downshifting in a manual transmission, to regen more juice than if I leave it in D drive, or if I tap the brake slowly. Is it only beneficial downhill?
From everything I'd read on here, B is not better for regen purposes. That said, I do wish it were, it's an awful lot of fun to use haha. I do like it on ice for safety over normal braking, to avoid the potential of friction kicking in and slipping and sliding around on the road. Sometime I'll have to go and test it out myself on a downhill and see BTA in D versus B, but I literally have no reason to drive for the next couple months other than to keep the 12v battery charged, so maybe next week when I go for a spin
The Genii MFD reads about 1%-2% higher than hand calculations. The geniii reads about 4%-6 high. 6% is pretty common. Overall the geniii does get higher mpg than the geniii though.
I'm totally a newbie at this Prius mpg stuff and have thoroughly enjoyed this thread......and the video. Very informative. I just took my 2011 on it's first "trip" to my sister's house about 70 miles away and got 54.5 mpg trying to use some of the techniques in the vid. and mentioned in the posts that follow. That mileage was with 3 of us in the vehicle, including my rather large brother-in-law in the backseat, so I felt pretty good about myself. I was very surprised as well because most of the literature gives Prius higher numbers around town and lower ones on the road. I'm getting mpg in the upper 40's around town. I guess I'll have to practice the coasting stuff. Thanks for all the tips here and hopefully they will keep coming.