I am replacing my head unit on my 2011 II Prius. I am new to this, but am trying to be adventureous. I have the following components going in: All of these require power (red wire). 1. New HU (Sony XAV-62BT) 2. PAC SWI-PS (steering wheel controls) 3. Sirius SCCI and Sony adapter for Sirius 4. Backup camera All of these require ground (black wire): 1. Head Unit 2. Head unit parking brake wire 3. PAC SWI-PS 4. Sirius 5. Backup camera My question is: Is it OK to just tie all of the red wires together between the new wire harness and the factory harness in the car? Is it OK to just tie all of the black wires together as well? What I mean is can I just connect all red wires together so that all power for the new components comes from the single red wire in the existing wire harness in the car, and is it OK to connect all new ground wires for the new components to the single black wire in the existing wire harness in the car? Any help would be appreciated.
I know this is a short reply, but yes - you can do that. It'll be fine. No worries. It saves a lot of time that way. Good luck!:rockon:
A short answer is the best answer!!!! :rockon: I have a sinking feeling I am in way over my head. Kind of like I am throwing puzzle pieces up in the air and hoping they land all put together - but here goes!
You will be fine connecting all the black wires to the same ground. But only connect the red wires to the red harness wire if that is what you are suppose to connect it to. The red I believe is active when ACC or Ready. Yellow is active all the time. So depending on what the instructions say, connect appropriately. Good luck!
The best thing to do is to just TAKE YOUR TIME. If you half-nice person the job, you'll be worrying to yourself saying "I should have done this and that" so, just take your time and do it right the first time and you won't have any problems. Good luck!
UPDATE: After 8 hours of work today (taking my time), I am 90% done. The backup camera wires are in place, but the camera isnt mounted - that will have to wait until tomorrow. Everything works great - except the SWI-PS (steering wheel control). It just wont program correctly, and changes every time I turn on the car. I will call on Monday to see if it is defective. Other than that, I am exhausted - and swore off ever doing this again - but am glad it is almost done. The car is back together in one piece, and everything functions as expected.
Two things that will cause issues with the SWI... 1. You don't have it connected to an always on source (12VDC) 2. You didn't install the resistor mentioned about in the instructions (Radio shack) - from memory, you don't need the exact resistance - just close - I think I put two caps in parallel (which adds each value) to get a close estimate...
Thanks for this. I have the red wire from PAC SWI-PS connected to red - which is the switched 12VDC power. It should always be on? So to yellow? I did install the resistor, the one that came with the unit from PAC. They included a bunch of resistors. Let me share how I did it, and maybe you can tell me if I did it wrong: 1. The pink (6 pin) is ground. Easy. 2. The black wire from SIW-PS is ground. Easy. 3. I cut the red (7 pin) and green (8 pin) wires, and used a butt connector to put a resistor on the green (8 pin) wire. I then tied the red (7 pin) to the other end of the resistor, and butt connected that to the SWI-PS white. 4. The red wire from SWI-PS is tied to RED in the wire harness (switched power). Any input you can give would be greatly appreciated!!!!
Here's a link to the best write up on the subject (with nice diagrams)...http://priuschat.com/forums/attachm...-prius-package-ii-head-unit-upgrade-v2.0-.pdf
That did it!!! And here is the key: PAC SWI-PS COMES WITH ABOUT 10 RESISTORS. If you are an untrained moron monkey (like me), these tiny things all look alike. Upon closer inspection, and by using the linked diagram you provided - the 560 ohm resistor is in fact GREEN BLUE AND BROWN (with a gold at the top) STRIPED DOOHICKEY. All of the provided resistors are different!!! I needed a magnifying glass to realize this, I thought they were all the same - so I have the wrong one in my wiring scheme!!! The right one is going in tomorrow, but this is an easy miss for the amateur installer!!!