Re: pictures - polution in china Music to my ears, bring back some mfg. Subsidy needed though, I guess.
Re: pictures - polution in china So they have pipes secretly hidden underground and extending out into the ocean that are discharging sewage and industrial waste? Disgusting! These irresponsible, barbaric people need to be held accountable! All of the other countries of the world can try as hard as possible to save the environment, but if these irresponsible self-centered NON-interdependent parasites to the earth keep pumping all their industrial waste into the ocean, the global ecosystem will die. .
Re: pictures - polution in china wow... just wow... Maybe instead of spewing racist garbage, you should read up on some US history during the industrial revolution. The parallels are almost identical. Although the US didn't even hide the fact of pouring sewage into drinking water and rivers. The pipes were above ground.
Corruption exacerbates the problem. Even though there are environmental protection laws on the book, local officials and regulators are easily bribed to ignore them. It's a racket, really.
Re: pictures - polution in china I don't think Rybold is being racist. Hopefully that doesn't make me one I your eyes. I would say more or less what is said in the statement regardless of race, creed, etc IF THIS WERE HAPPENING ANYWHERE. The general knowledge of the impact we humans have on the environment is globally known by every country, a bg difference from the 1890's-1960's (before we started to clean up our act here). These photos just show the complete disregard china has for these effects. Probably happened a lot for 70-some years behind the iron curtain...
Re: pictures - polution in china Just so you know, this is still happening in the US today. Just more infrequently. I find it hard to fathom that people did not know that dumping into a river was bad for a river in the 1890's just like i don't believe anyone today doesn't know this. But when you start handing out big fines for these sorts of actions, they magically heal. Only when the fine is less than the cost of "proper" disposal will it still be done purposely. Also another datapoint is that american companies that manufacture in China go there because the laws are more lax and it is cheaper. There are some semiconductor companies and even passive component companies that are moving to Malaysia instead of China because the labour is cheaper and the fines are even less. Everything you can buy today that wasn't made by Billy-Bob in a shed somewhere more than likely has something that came from "over there" and it is over there because it is cheap to do so. The Chinese people don't like polluting their country any more than any other sane person. But Chinese, American, and every other business over there that manufactures directly for export doesn't care. If you are going to destroy a place, best it not be where you live... Once China imposes tougher and stricter fines, companies will simply move elsewhere. We would have "made in Nairobi" stamped on everything instead. This is not in China's ambitious plan for world domination so it won't be done overnight. Slight environmental toxicity is a small price to pay to become the world's biggest superpower. Once that is achieved and it is the manufacturing, financial, and service hub of the world (pretty close already) it can start tightening down and switch from manufacturing to service, and start the inevitable cleanup process while the dirty jobs move out. Sound familiar?
Re: pictures - polution in china whoa. Just a second. There must be a misunderstanding here. The college I went to was 1/3 Asian and 1/3 Hispanic. Those were my friends and study partners. Today, in my current job in biotech, the company I work for has a large percentage of Asian and Indian scientists that I work with all day long. In addition to my coworkers, I have friends outside of work that are asian. I am not racist and I had no intentions to be racist here. If the word "barbaric" struck a negative chord with you, keep in mind that the word "barbaric" is traditionally applied to Medieval Europe during the Middle Ages, when educated people were overtaken by more stronger, bigger, less-educated people who put self-indulgence before education. It refers to culture and lifestyle and not race. The Industrial Revolution, which began in Europe and later spread to the United States, was in the 1700s and 1800s, LONG BEFORE we had all of the scientific knowledge and data that we today, in 2011, have on the IMPACT upon earth and it's biological health that we today have. Today, in 2011, with expanded knowledge of the environmental impact (China has scientists on the International Space Station and their government has access to the global internet), I find these pictures to be very shocking and disgusting, and I blame the GOVERNMENT of China for not enacting and enforcing environmental regulations that would not allow these photos to be possible. That was the intention of my original post on this thread. Added: By the way, DNA sequencing proves that all homo sapiens are equal and originated from the same initial group of homo sapiens, which based on archaeological evidence, began in Africa (stone tools and other evidence from 1.8 million years ago has been found in Central Africa). Those who went north required more Vitamin D (which we produce when our skin receives sunlight), but due to longer winters and more cloud cover in the north, over a period of time, the people with lighter skin were less vitamin D deficient and survived better as humans slowly migrated north (again, archaeological evidence has been found and dated that traces this migration). Over thousands of years of people with slightly lighter skin surviving better than those with slightly darker skin, and over thousands of years, it eventually resulted in light skinned people existing in the north. We all came from the same original homo sapiens and we are all the same species and are equal. We are all "brothers" and "sisters" and we are all the same. (btw, take note that Asians in the northern areas of China have lighter skin than Asians in the southern areas of China and South East Asia) And why is milk sold "with Vitamin D" as an option in supermarkets? Because if you put a darker skinned person in Northern Europe, they will become Vitamin D-deficient and not survive. (on the contrary, if you put a Scandanavian person in South Africa outdoors all day, they will develop extreme sunburn, skin cancer, and they will not survive). Dark-skinned people elsewhere throughout the world that don't spend much time out in the sunlight don't produce enough Vitamin D and must supplement their diet with Vitamin D. Aside from the amount of sunlight that passes through our skin, we are all the same, equal homo sapiens. Genetic sequencing and I.Q. tests prove this. :focus:
Re: pictures - polution in china there are plenty in our country and government who gladly look the other way reguarding offshore drilling or nuclear power plants, etc. it's just a different form of pollution. we can control china by reducing our appetite for the products manufactured there. but the same can be said for illegal drugs. not going to happen.
In developing countries such as China, corruption is endemic, widespread and to be expected in all projects large and small. Provincial officials have more power than the central government in most cases. US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act can in fact put American contractors at a disadvantage vis-a-vis other countries operating in China.
Re: pictures - polution in china Good post! I've often said we vote for president once every 4 years but we vote on economic policy everytime we pull out our wallets.
Re: pictures - polution in china I commend Bisco on his stand. I am of Chinese extraction but out of Malaysia. I always try my best (if I have an option) not to use China made things due to a variety of reasons. Unfortunately for most of us ethnic Chinese, many of our cooking ingredients come from China. After looking at these pictures, I am more vigilant against China products now.