Sounds kind of like an "anal retentive, mileage obsessed geek". I'd say that if I was the type of person that resorts to branding other people with derogatory names when I don't share their interests/belief/opinions....but I'm not. And some people call that "a life". As if they're somehow superior to everyone else when all they're showing is their intolerance. The fact that we're all different what interests us is one of the things that make us human and unique. Let's try to show a little more tolerance for I am trying to show to Jazzer by not calling him a name back, and believe me I've got more than one in mind, lol. Without some of us "Geeks" Jazzer and everyone else might still be living in caves staying warm around a fire!
Fred, I don't think he meant to offend anyone. I apologize for bringing more light to it than probably was needed by kidding around.
Oh of course he didn't "mean" to offend anyone. Only the most obnoxious people really mean to do that and I'm assuming he's not one of those. I just thought it was a bad choice of words on his part and wanted to point that out.
Let's all take a deep breath. I really don't think that Jazzer meant to offend. I think there is a grain of truth in what he said. I think we'll all be better off if we can laugh at ourselves once in a while...we are a quirky bunch. We all have our own reasons for choosing this great car. I'm trying to wait patiently for mine. I hope you all get yours, too. Take care, David
I didn't take offense, if that makes any difference to anyone. I like to see a few cheeky folks on the boards every once in a while. Hell, I might be one of those people from time to time. And I think I might be one of those obsessive/compulsive geeks ... I tend to have a spreadsheet for everything (though it's hard to say I'm obsessed with my Prius yet, only 390 miles so far). And yes, I have seen every Star Trek episode (all incarnations, including the animated series). And yes, I work with computers every day. But that's the great thing about this car, I have lots of friends who use Macs and don't like SciFi and they still think the Prius is pretty dang cool.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, you mean you had Tag down as more of a smart nice person than me...I'm slacking another contender for the title. Sheesh... Ok, after my ski trip this week it's back to the boards. No more kind and gentle welcome to the board I'll answer your question even though it's been asked 50 times stuff for me. No way, it'll be nothing but "can't you read an FAQ?" and "Who you calling an anal retentive nut case, nut case?" Oh yea, now I'm pissed...... :cussing:
I didn't realize that this would end up being a competition - and tag hasn't even posted to defend the title I gave him! Seriously, though, the reason a board like this is great is because of those individuals that totally grate on your nerves, but at the same time you keep coming back to see what else they've had to say. And you never know, maybe that person will end up answering a question you had or posting information you never knew. God bless the Internet
Sorry, but I was insulted........"smartass" should be hyphenated! :lolup: :lolup: :lolup: :icecream: :lolup: :lolup: :lolup: btw, what in the hell does the "icecream" emoticon indicate? Sure is kinda freaky lookin\'!
It's there for pure freakiness. I actually have no idea why I have a self-cannibalistic ice cream cone emoticon for the board.
I couldn't wait to see Tag's response, and I got a laugh out of it, so good job. I see we have some ultra competitive people on the board. Mention that thereis a title up for grabs and they have to compete for it. :lol: Somehow my daughter is one of those, but I have no clue where she gets it from....must be her mother. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: Atoyot