First of all, thank you to Jim, Dave, and Patrick Wong for your replies. So far, so good the check engine light has remained off. Here is what the dealership wrote up verbatim on Monday, June 6th: Customer states the check engine light is on. Check and advise. States light came on Friday, states the coolant invertor was boiling. Found code P1436 HCAC -System Variable Valve Open Malfunction Repair requires replacement front exhaust pipe: Exhaust pipe $1192.11 Gasket $56.89 & $24.62 Bolts $2.71 each, needs 2 $5.90 each, needs 2 Springs $6.36 each, needs 2 $6.30 each, needs 2 Total cost to service $1646.16 Less diagnosis on return $1536.16 Parts would have to be ordered T1.0 advised front exhaust pipe Now, as I mentioned above, thankfully there have been no further problems. I have no idea why when the check engine light went off that the coolant was boiling since the car was not overheating. It has not happened since. The only other thing I smell from time to time is antifreeze after starting the car (lasts for less than five minutes) and sometimes when I'm driving there's the nasty smell of the catalytic converter. Still, the car drives fine, no gas mileage problems, there are NO fluid leaks, so I don't know. They also performed a multipoint inspection of the exterior, interior, under the hood, under the vehicle, the fluids, the tires, and the brakes. Everything checked out okay. In fact the only thing they checked off that may require future attention is the tires tread depth? Not sure if it's one tire or all. LF 7/32, RF4/32, LR5/32, RR4/32 I have no idea what the tread depth should be. One of the techs told me awhile back that the battery is real hard on the tires and that it's nothing uncommon to go through tires???? Is anyone else having problems with having to replace tires? No, I'm not speed racer and no I don't round corners on two wheels! Thanks again everyone, Karen
Hi Karen, Thanks for providing the DTC. This confirms that the HCAC valve was stuck as I surmised in my post to your earlier string. Regarding the antifreeze smell: the heater core probably has a small leak. Feel the carpet by the front passenger position to see if it is damp. Since antifreeze is poisonous when ingested, you will not want to breathe this indefinitely. Regarding exhaust smell: this may be related to the fuel that you purchase. High sulfur content in the fuel may promote that smell. Regarding tire tread depth: minimum legal tread depth is 2/32". Minimum safe tread depth is 6/32" in snowy conditions and 4/32" in rainy conditions. Prius is well known for fast tire wear especially if your car is equipped with the mediocre original equipment Bridgestone Potenza RE92 tires. If you do not inflate the tires to 42/40 psi then you will note excessive tire shoulder wear. The front tires will wear much faster than the rear since the front tires steer, transmit power, and provide most of the braking. Hence if you have the tires rotated periodically (say at 10K mile intervals) the tires will wear more evenly.
Hi Patrick, Sorry for the delayed reply. No, it's not damp on the passenger side where you said to check. As for the smell, you mentioned the possibility it's the gas. All I know is whenever I do smell it, it smells like rotten eggs; typical catalytic converter smell. Thanks for the info about the tire thread, what tires should be purchased and PSI. Karen