OK so the wife and I went to Target today. I dropped her off at the door (she had to pee). I parked, came inside, we walked around the store, blah, blah, blah. Now the good part. We went outside and started walking towards the Prius, when I noticed another Barcelona Red Prius. I thought to myself "I have the best joke" I walked over to the driver's side of it as if it was our car. She proceeded to open the passenger's side door. Now the best part! As I am walking away I look back to see her face, she has the door OPEN and is proceeding to get inside, does a double take and has the BEST look on her face! Who knew this car would be left unlocked? After the fact she said "It smelled different and had black seats." Just thought I would share a little fun I had today!
God blesses us husbands with such "fun" moments every now and then.. good to see you took full advantage!!!