I've been reading the forums for a while, trying to decide whether or not to take the plunge... so, finally decided to give up my 2005 benz S430 and picked up an 05 Tideland green with the #6 package. So, the adventure begins! Can't believe how hard it was to get a car in L.A. without a huge mark-up... but finally got it!
Congratulations!! And welcome. Hopefully you'll love your new Prius, and forget all about that Benz. You mentioned you've read the forums for a while. If you haven't checked them out already, the Knowledge Base articles are a big help. See ya around the board! B)
Hi - and welcome! I've just taken the plunge too, January delivery! ...and it's just a matter of time before this post will be moved to "order tracking"
Yeah... 2005 S430... luckily I'm in Los Angeles, the Prius carries a better cache with my clients than an $87k benz... strange little city we live in
Welcome! I've got your car's twin in Arizona, though it was "born" about a month before yours. And I know what you mean about LA! Lived there, done that.
Agree, it's really funny. In my area people love their MBs, MB SUVs, etc., but the Prius gets even more envy. Consider getting the XM radio - traffic reports for LA area excellent and you don't have to listen to the big AM outlets with continuous mortgage commercials! I have the Tideland Pearl #6 also and get many compliments about the color.