Congratulations! For those who don't believe in HCG, I suggest that they demonstrate similar results with their own "proven" method.
Thanks Rob! I am feeling great. Last week I was feeling dizzy, took my blood pressure and it was 106/59. Went to the Dr. and he took me off my BP medicine. Been off of it for a week, and my BP was 113/68 yesterday. Everyone has to decide what will work best for them. Of everything I have tried, this has worked the best for me. This program may not be right for everyone, but I have met many others that have had long term success, and it has changed their lives.
Bret, that's an awesome achievement. Way to go. Well, since we're being so smug...if I ever gain enough weight on my 'unproven' method of diet and exercise to worry about having to lose some....
Once I lose the weight, I will use your method to maintain. I am so looking forward to it. Hiked 8 miles on saturday. Did pretty good for only eating 700 calories a day. I'm sure I will be more energetic once I start consuming more.
[ame=]Human chorionic gonadotropin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame] This is what concerns me about this hormone. I don't think there are many long term studies of this yet. Worst case scenario is that you could suffer cardiac and reproductive problems with certain doses (if not cancer). Aparently, it's increasingly being abused as a counter the effects of anabolic I'm guessing that many doctors will shy away from giving it to adult patients. For those on this thread that are using it for dieting...congrats. I just am voicing my concerns about this being "a magic bullet" of weightloss. For me, my main success with weight loss is plenty of excercise: pushing myself to run 3 miles at a time seems to give me the best weight and strength.
If the dose used for weight loss contributes to cancer, then pregnant women should be a major cancer cluster. People have died from drinking too much water, but I don't see the fear mongering about water. It can be a valuable part of a weightloss program. The most important part is the low calorie diet. The HCG, and apparently the B1/B6/B12 supplements contribute to feeling good enough to maintain the low calorie regimen. The fat mobilizing theory is just that, a theory. It may or may not be true. I can tell you from personal experience that I feel miserable on a 500 calorie diet, and much better with the addition of HCG. Bet you're not 50 pounds overweight. If you were, running 3 miles would not be a reasonable thing to expect. Running is great as long as you're already fit enough to do it. If HCG were to be developed today as a new patented drug, it would be an absolute blockbuster. The problem with getting it accepted today is that it is not patentable, and the pharmaceutical version of it went generic decades ago. Getting a chemical accepted in today's medical marketplace requires millions of dollars that support an army of researchers, salesmen, and lobbyists. Anything less than that simply is not "proven". Maybe when the cost of medical care actually crushes our economy, we'll be forced to give proper attention to natural materials. In the meantime, we're number 38 in a field of 40 developed countries in terms of life expectancy. About the only way I can see that we could catch up with Cuba is if medical insurance disappeared. Then there would be some value shopping for treatments.
I've lost 100 lbs in the past 5 years due to proper diet and exercise. I can say definitively, that fat loss is 80% diet and 20% exercise. No amount of exercise will work without proper nutrition, especially as you get older and metabolism slows. I am running half-marathons and weight training 5 days a week. I've managed to put 30 lbs back on, simply because I felt that with this level of calorie burn I cout eat more. Wrong! Today is my third day on HCG, first day of low calorie intake. We will see what happens.
Eh no, hormones (HCG in particular) don't work that way....they are produced to promote cell metabolism. If there's an imbalance then you get symptoms from having too much or too little. With pregnant women, they have quite a large and complex growth growing inside them! hCG Injection Blood Tests, Urine Tests, & More No, I was not 50 pounds overweight when I first started running, but I was seriously out of shape. I gradually built up to being able to run 3 miles at a time. I also found that with building endurance, my metabolism also changed (I actually didn't have as much of an appetite when I was a die hard runner). I'm not saying that everyone should start running for weight loss....but I am saying that there's different strokes for different folks and there is not a one diet that fits all. As for your comments about natural drugs and the healthcare industry: Cuba shouldn't be your gold standard in your example. If we look at that life expentancy chart, Cuba is tied with the US at 36th place (both have average life expentancy at 78.3). Japan is ranked 1st with an average of 82.6. That's with the UN data: with the CIA data, Cuba is actually ranked below the US. What does all this mean? Well for this discussion, not life expentancy is pretty close for every developed nation. The main problem with the US system, IMO, is that we spend most our money on end of life medicine and not preventative medicine. It's not just that HCG can't be some new designer drug for pharmaceuticals, but the other reason it's not being touted as the weight loss magic bullet is that it's not approved by the FDA for such use. The FDA approves it for uteran tumor therapy and sexual development. Aparently, there are a growing number of HCG if one does want to try HCG, I would stress finding a doctor that you trust: Retail HCG diet drugs are frauds, FDA warns
HCG is anything but a miracle pill. If you could take the pill and eat whatever you want, that would be a miracle pill. The HCG does not make you lose weight. The 700 calorie diet is what causes you to lose weight. The HCG helps you burn fat instead of muscle and bone. Calling HCG a miracle pill implies that it it is easy. Definitely not the case. Rob, I agree with you. The amount of HCG you receive is minimal. I don't have any concerns about side effects. I think we all ingest stuff in much greater quantities every single day that that should be a much greater concern. We all have to make decisions that we are comfortable with. Each of us and our circumstances are unique. Anyone starting any diet should consult their physician and do their research before starting. I did both, and chose what was best for me. I would encourage anyone who is overweight to figure out what is best for them and get the weight off.
Well that settles it. Won't work for me. I pretty much stay away from anything with the word "gonad" in it. Especially if it has "Human" in front of it.
Just finished my first week on HCG (imported, not the fake stuff sold in the US). So far lost 12 lbs in 7 days.
Yes! Congratulations! You had a great first week. Please keep me posted on your progress. I am down a total of 57.