MY wife and I with our 2 little boys were driving around and i noticed a GM sponsered event at a local mall here in Hamilton On Canada.I didnt think anything of it, not interested in anything but i saw a Volt pull out and I did a U-turn and signed up to test drive. The interior was all leather with a white centre console that has all the buttons for everything you need. Very impressed with the lay out, navi was good but the LCD display that has you range left, gas etc was abosolutely stunning!!!!! I thought the Ford Fusion Hybrid screen was awesome but that one falls in comparison(my opinion) It was so clear ,crisp and I really liked the green meter where you try to keep this ball in the middle of a bar for optimal efficiency i though it was better than the growing leaves in the Ford. Then i started to drive it and it was better than i expected. Immediate power all the way, very smooth and quiet(running on batt of course), one thing i found the brakes too soft(im used to my prius brakes) but other than that i really like the interior, lcd display, size of interior and the look in person. I love my 2007 Prius but my wifes lease is due next year on here Rogue and we were waiting for the leaf to come, now after we test drive the Leaf when it comes here in Canada we have a decision to make. Good job GM
It is $41500 here in Canada With a limited roll out 3rd quarter this year then across Canada next year. there is a $8200 incentive from the goverment, currently taking pre orders on the volt..
not sure what a prius goes for down there. But the nissan leaf price is $38000 and it qualifies for an incentive of $8200. so its a few thousand dollars cheaper with no gas station visit, compared to the Volt. But we see what happens when the leaf is available
Yes, the incentive is to further encourage government takeovers and interference in private industry for the sake of small groups of constituents who support them (read UAW). I will NEVER consider a GM or Chrysler product even if their quality and relaibility ever came close to TOyota's or Honda's....
I find it absolutely insane that anyone would pay that kind of money for a Volt, which has such a short range in EV mode and is unproven in terms of reliabilty & be suckered in by fancy displays! The Toyota Prius, in ten years, has shown it's outstanding superiorty. :cheer2:
Every time I hear this kind of comment I can't help but reflect on the nearly identical comments I heard in 2002 before buying my Gen 1 prius. No one knew what they were or how long the batteries would last and the price premium didn't make a lot of sense on paper, especially if you figured in replacing that giant hybrid battery, etc... I still got it, and loved it, and eventually conventional wisdom accepted the hybrids. It just strikes me as odd to hear it from prius drivers though, but I guess its not the tech so much as your comfort level with your place in the development cycle.
totally agree!! the prius has shown us that. with the nissan leaf i believe the durability and reliability will be there as well. as for the display that GM puts on they have to do that cause they know they cant compare to honda's/toyota's and even nissans, but hey i got a $10 gas card for test driving something pretty cool.
It is my understanding that 7500 is a credit applied against the years taxes. So if your Fed taxes are $5000, that is all you get and the balance is lost. So the Gov't could give you a $50,000 credit and it wouldn't amount to much under those rules. Do I have that straight? :rockon:
Base 2011 Prius is $27,800. Premium Package comes in at $29k with the Premium with Solar and Touring packages coming in at $31.5k. The Technology package is $37k.
That is correct. On the Chevy website, the tax disclaimer states, "with federal tax savings from $0 up to $7,500." So if you don't use it, you lose it.
I think some people get confused on what the amount of their taxes actually are. Its based on your tax liability before credits or even withholding is applied. For instance if you are in the 28% tax bracket and make more than $30,000 a year you owe $8400 or more in taxes and would get the full benefit of the credit (assuming $8400 and applying the credit you would owe $900). Now if during the course of the year you paid withholding of the same amount, $8400, you will have overpaid by $7500 and get a tax refund check in that amount. I don't think there are many Americans (who would be shopping for this car in the first place) that don't have at least $7500 in tax liability.
Buying a gen 1 Prius was insane, they are prohibitively expensive for what they were, at least unless you were a really huge fan for whatever reason of the technology. So the argument you hear now about the Volt and heard then is true now as it was then. The Gen 1 Prius was a dressed up Echo. AGHAST. That's Canadian, too, which is even more valuable than USD right now.
The rollout in Canada was quite different from that here. My sticker price was $19,995. No markup, just a small paperwork fee, title, and tax. .