How to change my domelight? How do I remove the plastic cover without damaging it?! As goes with the rear and cargo light?? I cannot find a how-to? Anyone? please??
Well, I have the CD manual on how to do it, but can't figure out how to copy it to here, but it looks like there are 4 plastic clips at each corner that need to be pried carefully down, but not too far or forcefully, because there is a wire harness attached. Then the harness is unplugged to change bulbs or insulate or whatever you need to do. Reinstallation looks like just pushing back up into roof (!) Looks easy, but it is only pics and not real clear.
I could not find it in the owners manual. I also have the repair manual. Here is the section that you mentioned.
No suggestions to drill down thru the roof? Remove the headliner? Loosen the traction battery? Oh well, Judgeless has the solution... tell us how it went ----------- Edit: Judgeless, interesting URL you got there...
I created that domain in 1994 as Mail Boxes Unlimited. My goal was to offer free email with small ads at the bottom. My marketing skills were not as good as Hotmail. Microsoft bought Hotmail for 500 million. I still have I have been offered $20,000 for the domain. I declined. This is another one of my domains. We have fun getting out and checking out all the great restaurants and bars in Cleveland.
That pdf didn't help at all.. still feels like you have to rip the thing out to get it loose... can't believe its so ridiculously hard... I"d rather work on the engine.
It is a finesse thing not a strength thing. If you are having to work hard, you haven't found the spots yet. They are admittedly hard to find. I struggled with it. Then I found the exact spot where you need to put a little tiny bit of pressure, popped right out. Patience is I think required. Good Luck.
I finally got it.. one side came out then I could pull that direction and it helped the other... once it comes out once its a little easier the second time..... Guess they didn't want it coming out in case you flipped your car, rolled down an embankment and tossed end on end for a while!.... lol! Anyway..... have you simply replaced the bulb or did you put the "bank" of led's inside? Once you get the cover off there is much more to get released..... amazing they made something so simple so hard!.... wow! Too many engineers I think!