Another Gen III Accessories thread addresses "giving your car a present." I asked, and our Prius said it truly appreciates our trash container... Couldn't find anything compatible here in the States. Two bought off eBay, your color choice, 10 day delivery from China, <$15. No more tissues, napkins, gooey things, etc. stuffed in the bottled water/sunscreen holders What's your trash can solution?
On the rare occasion I actually produce trash inside a vehicle, it sits on the passenger seat or cupholder until I throw it out when I get home.
I used that big space known as the passenger floor. Usually it's just tissues, and they get thrown out at least weekly.
One of the reasons that I am disappointed in the rear seat cupholders on the Gen III, is that there isn't a cupholder on the back of the console. I hook a plastic bag over the fold-out holder to toss trash in. When we road trip, we end up with produce wrappers, coffee cups (generally not too many, as we use reusable cups for brewed coffee), and various napkins, tissues, etc. When we get home, I generally sort out the trash into recyclables vs. trash, and dispose of appropriately.
I usually slide my non-liquid trash in the back pockets of my front seats as my quick and easy solution, and toss it all out when I hit the gas station(usually two weeks worth). I'm a bit of a minimalist and like everything as OEM looking as possible. However your picture did give me a good idea to put my sunblock spray next to the water bottle, I like that idea. :thumb:
Unfortunately, dear wife becomes rather miffed when I put my rubbish on the passenger's seat... especially when she's sitting there. And to be honest, all hell breaks loose when I try to stuff my trash down her cupholders! Hence, the Chinese trash cans clipped to the door pockets.
I took a 3 week tour of Turkey a couple of years ago. One of my fellow tourists asked the tour guide about bringing food on the bus. He said "Please don't do it, you will make the bus smell like an Indian Train." I remind my wife of that every time she wants to turn my car into a rolling cafeteria.
An Indian train? How about in the early 60s, a live chicken being slaughtered on a DC-6, IranAir flight from Teheran to Ahwaz? With respect to the dear wife... imagine two hours from Boston to Portland after shopping at H-Mart: trunk full of kimchee, curry powders, natto, and the like. :nono: (Fortunately it only takes a couple of days to clear-out lingering odors.)
I went to Walmart and got a grey waste container, cloth, about 5 x 8 inches, has a loop to hang. Then got a brushed nickel cabinet door knob, low profile, drilled a hole in the back of the center console and attached the knob with a screw thru the back, and voila, hang it so it is reachable from the back seats easily and not too bad of a reach from front.
Those are pretty handy, aren't they? Ditto for the huge door bins on the Iconic generation - it's a very convenient spot for all sorts of things. Garbage, too, unfortunately. We use doggie-do bags (clean, unused ones, obviously) to hold tissues and stuff. We generally don't eat in the car, or even eat fast food for that matter, so there isn't much garbage to be dealt with.
Good idea, or you could just buy a modified prius pickup truck......... yes you heard that right PRIUS PICKUP TRUCK! :rockon:
Ahhhh, the Prius Pickup--better known as the Prickup--rears its ugly head again! But would a recently resigned New York Congressman drive one? Will it hold a lot of "junk?"