I noticed a superficial, but very annoying, scratch on the clear plastic screen that covers the climate control settings/outside temp. I applied Meguiar's PLASTX and it looks better but is not gone. Do you have to reapply this multiple times? Any special apply/remove techniques? It says on the bottle not to let it dry so I have been just basically putting it on and wiping it off. thanks.
Clever idea, would have though of using that stuff. The material is so soft.. can't believe they used it. I put a towel over it whenever I am doing work in the area. I imagine you can do the application as many time as needed but deep scratches won't go away.
Try Mequiar's CLEAR PLASTIC CLEANER (#17), followed by Mequiar's CLEAR PLASTIC POLISH (#10). Have taken out deep scratches in aircraft plexiglass windows many times sucessfully with them. I use them similarly for my Prius's radio and climate plastic (which seems to scratch if you just touch it!).
That surface is supposed to have a satin-like finish to prevent sun glare. If you use any of those plastic products, you will remove that finish along with the scratch.