STOP THE PRESSES: Men Buy Porsches To Bed Women | The Daily Feed | and related to it Whether It's a Peacock Or a Porsche, Men Like to Show Off, Study Finds - The driving around in a Porsche vs. Camry testosterone study mentioned later was pretty funny.
I didn't see anything in that article that said anything about why the men bought high performance cars. The only thing they said about the men is that their testosterone went up while driving hot cars versus mundane cars. It's the women with all those ideas. Nothing about whether the men shared the ideas. It appears to me that the men who bought the hot cars liked hot cars. And gold digging women like guys who have gold.
What was the last time you pulled because of your car? And if the car was the only reason she took an interest, would you want her anyway?
If the car gets me laid, its better than not getting laid. Here in Los Angeles, most women consider anyone driving a Porsche, Ferrari, Lamborghini an a**hole. You have to prove that you're not. You have a better chance in a Prius
I'm guessing that would depend solely on how attractive she was. Owners of penismobiles aren't looking for a deep, meaningful relationship, they're looking for a pretty young thing who's dazzled by a fancy sports car. It's doesn't matter that the vast majority of women think they're assholes and steer clear. They just set the trap and wait for the dumb animal to step into it.
Give it up you'll never understand women or what it takes to get laid because they're always changing their minds. I, in my younger days, was most successful when I ignored them. 2006 study: Women want hot sexy cars . . . Why women want sexier cars - Business - Autos - The Driver Seat - 2011 study: Women want cars with high gas mileage . . . New Cars: What Women Want - CBS
I find that women are "friendlier" when I'm driving my sports car instead of my Prius and I'm not even interested in getting laid away from home.
A man in his 50s who's wife passed away a year before decided it was time to get back into action. He started out by going to the fitness center to get in shape and hired a personal trainer. As she was showing him how to use the different machines, he commented that there were a lot of attractive women working out there and asked what machine he should be using to attract their attention. The trainer replied "The ATM."
It sounds like Women(TM) want whatever is fashionable and gets them the most attention (e.g. convertibles)?