I see this short form only in the Chats .... driving me crazy. And before someone suggests it - I did look it up in the manual!
Well it's there and then it's not ICE is the abbreviation for Internal Combustion Engine as opposed to MG1 and MG2 Motor Generator. Efusco where did the acronym and abbreviations list that we had in the knowledge base go? I could not find it to give a link to the entire list of our secret language. Edit see next post answered my own question.
Found the glossary and copied it and reposted it in the Knowledge Base discussion forum. Check out this link http://priuschat.com/Acronyms-and-Abbrevia...ary-t12661.html
I am a rookie. And I see a lot of abbreviations that I have no idea what they stand for. Experienced posters need to remember that. Educate us ,Please.
The thread http://priuschat.com/index.php?showtopic=1...=0&#entry157301 has several abbreviations, plus a link to an FAQ. Hope this helps, there's a lot of them.
I come from the Car Show scene and ICE means In Car Entertainment Took me a few to figure it out... ~Shawn
Lola - here's another important acronym you need to know about: M/AMRC = Matter/Anti Matter Reaction Chamber. This is where the hybrid's antimatter fuel is combined with deuterium to generate the warp plasma. This is also where the dilithium crystals are located. The M/AMRC is located in a hole on the engine, just above where you insert the block heater. The location is a pain to reach, but several adventurous PriusChat posters have boldly gone where no man has gone before. Next time you are at the dealer, be extra sure to request that they realign your antimatter injectors. They will act like they don't know what you are talking about, but just keep insisting. You will get an extra .5c out of the HSD. Mojo
Yeah, some do use ICE as In-Car Entertainment but the most predominant use is Internal Combustion Engine. We need to get our glossary back up and running
Yes, I am sorry I forgot this. Package #6 includes the NAV, which consumes around 9 gigawatts of energy, thus the need for the warp plasma power supply. Mr. Fusion is only good for around 1.21 gigawatts. I don't have a package 4. Isn't the fusion unit mounted back by the FC? (Lola - this is the flux capaciter) I also heard the speed is limited to 88 MPH. Lola - if you have the package 4, make sure to have the dealer check your flux capacitor. Otherwise, your clock might be off.
Yes ICE is frozen water but in the case of the Prius it is heavy water part of the matter antimatter drive!
OK, MOJO- Well I did ask to be educated. But maybe this is more than I need to know. Glad you have a good sense of humor.