Hi all. I know there are older posts that relate to this topic, but I just thought I'd ask for some opinions on my particular quandary. Earlier today, I checked out a 2010 Prius III with 25K miles at a small lot that repairs damaged cars and sells them. I saw an ad for it online and I though it was suspiciously low-priced, but checked it out anyway. The car looked to be in excellent condition, inside and out. The guy told me it had been in a front-end accident, but there was no mechanical damage. He fixed the driver's side headlamp, fender, trunk, and radiator cage. I took it for a test drive, and everything seemed okay, but there was some vibration/pulsing in the brake pedal, which the purveyor said he would take care of by cutting the rotors if I decided to buy. He also said he's been at that location for 20 years, and he offers a six month/6000 mile warranty on the the motor and transmission, one year warranty for the body work (paint peeling/ water in headlight, etc.), and guarantees passing state inspection. I checked out the Carfax report when I got home and found the car had a salvage title/total loss a few months ago. One owner prior to that. I know there are mixed opinions about salvage titles, but I'd love to know what you guys think. Specifically: Is 25K miles too soon for brakes to go? Could this be some other crash-related issue? If I had problems, do you think they'd likely pop up within six months or so? What would a Toyota dealership charge to check this thing out? I appreciate any advice or insight you may have. Thanks!
It's temping but keep in mind there will always be a diminished value to this car. Is the price low enough to take on that risk? I would definitely take it to a Toyota dealer for a front-to-back inspection - pay if necessary. Ask if any original warranty would still exist under these circumstances.
The price better be REALLY low to even consider it. What are they asking for it? The brake vibration/pulsation is troubling. People have gone past 100K miles on 2nd gen Priuses while still on the original brakes. The two 3rd gens at Advanced Vehicle Testing Activity - Hybrid Electric Vehicles are past 80K and 96K miles while still on the original brake pads. Can you try shifting to neutral then braking? That at least gets rids of the regenerative braking and forces it to use the friction brakes. Unknown about the problems in 6 months esp. given it's a salvage car. I hope you realize that a new/used Prius has this warranty: Toyota Prius Warranty and Coverage. In addition, in CARB (California Air Resources Board) states (NJ is one of them), the HV battery is warranted for 10 years/150K miles and some hybrid components are warranted for 15 years/150K miles as part of the California 15 year/150K mile emission control warranty. It's all in the warranty booklet. It should have virtually no warranty since it's a salvage car.
Wow. Don't buy it. I wouldn't buy a salvage if it was squeaky clean and this is not even close to squeaky clean.
The price isn't staggeringly low -- $19.5. But, considering I'm seeing 2010s with 20K to 30K online going for *over* the MSRP of current 2011s, it's still cheap. And wow, yeah, the brake thing is troubling. I am aware of what a non-salvaged Prius' warranty is like, but I didn't know that NJ was a CARB state. Good to know. I wasn't concerned so much with the value of the car, but the likelihood of possible problems in the future, and being SOL without a warranty. Thanks for the input.
That's way too high. I'd say you're better off buying a recent non-salvage used gen 2 instead if you must have a Prius now. (I'm not in the market but...) I would think that despite the supply situation, you ought to be able to swing a new 2011 Prius for MSRP. You might have to go far for it and do lots of calling/shopping around.
A year ago a friend of mine got a repaired, salvaged 2010 V (5) five with ATP having 16K miles for $20K. I can hardly find any evidence that it was ever wrecked and he hasn't had any problems ... so far. I expected him to have all kinds of problems. So far he has, basically, the same car as me for a lot less money. I'm not suggesting that anyone buy a salvaged Prius based on this anecdote, but I'll be watching and wondering if I could'a, should'a, would'a saved $10K.
The auto dealer should have been upfront and told you it had a salvage title. The amount of work that he told you about seems low for the car to have been salvaged as well. I would wonder what else he is not telling you.
i was offered a 2010 prius salvage, by water damage,the price was 12900.00, everyone that i spoke to said no, i asked the local dealer if they would go thru the car for me and they wouldnt because they said the damage wont show up for a couple years but when it does better have good covereage for repair, i like the resale value of the car,so hands down we bought a new 2011, 2012 plug in when they come to market
Why bother? A salvaged Prius was worth exactly what he paid for, if not less, and always will be whether something happens to his car or not. And now you run into a conflict of interest, hoping something might go wrong with his car to validate your own purchase decision. What kind of friend is that? It's a no-win situation to think this way. Between the 2 of us you made the wiser choice anyway. Now stop losing sleep on this.
Problems in 6 months? That car has problems NOW. If it was just a simple brake job they would have done it. Don't worry about Toyota's warranty, a salvage car has ZERO warranty. Yes, NJ is a CARB state so the hybrid parts are covered 10 years/150000 miles. The AAA price was over MSRP. Now it is a bit under. If you wait until production & delivery are back to 100% selling prices & availability will be much better. You may not see invoice again but it should be under MSRP. As for this car: Be afraid. Be very afraid.
No loss of sleep or conflict of interest. I was just noting an example of a salvaged Prius that, thus far, has been a winner. I hope his good fortune, and mine, continue.
I had a feeling you'd respond with that. Perhaps a precipitate post on my part for which I apologize. However, that salvaged car is not a winner, and so my main point that I reemphasize is not to regret your purchase.
Bingo! We have a winner...it's a salvage title because it was totalled' abandoned, stolen, fire/water damage, etc. OP ought to get the VIN and run it at Carfax or through their state's DMV. Unless the price is near give-away...run as fast as you can in the other direction. Why are car buyers attracted to corner lots?
Two words: "Salvage Title." They're like the words "social disease" on a dating site, and they have a rather powerful impact on the street value of the car. OK....so the G3 has a "glass jaw", and it doesn't take much in the way of an accident to make the "tilt" light illuminate in the insurance company's alorythum for "repair or replace" when one gets into an accident. Chances are good that this car will look and drive acceptably for some years to come...and the driveline components may be in pretty good shape. I'm not so worried about the brakes, since this car has 25K miles on the clock, and the previous owner (the one who got into the accident.. ) may have been unusually harsh on them. A few hundred bucks worth of brake components and a few hours on a lift can fix them. The car is obviously worth something....but 19K? Heck no!! More like 15. JMHO! Good Luck!!