Is it just me or did my tinting of the windows make the interior quieter. I had a diesel pickup pull up next to me at a red light tonight......instead of the normal shaking of nuts & bolts inside of a tin can sound that they normally make. Tonights sound was much quieter. With the better looks, the reduced glare of night lights this reduced sound is a real plus. Has anyone else experienced this, or is just me. ???
I guess one could argue it 'dampens' noise vibrations from the glass to some degree, dependent on thickness. Whether it's .0001% or 10% who knows, but for a nice feel-good moment, and everyone needs one those, let's say it's 10!
A room with drapes and curtains will have different acoustic properties than a room with bare walls and windows. It's mostly the the lack of harsh high frequency echos and reverbs in the room with drapes and curtains. Window tint film applied over glass could have the same effect. Given that a good part of the interior cabin is now lined with window tint, it's possible that's the acoustic difference. Next step: velvet headliner and drapes in the car!
I think it's the placebo effect. A couple of members who installed the turn signal side view mirrors thought they noticed more wind noise coming from outside. You probably don't detect as much because you're more sheltered from outside. The ears tend to follow the eyes. Or a less noisy pickup could have pulled next to you.
All I know is I like it, Highly recommended mod! Did all the side windows the same 50% and the back window dark same as lower.Was 103 degrees here monday seems to keep the car cooler.Would have liked to have gone darker but the cops pull you over with 35% here, what a hassle!
x2...what he said...but, in all likelihood, the difference is way too small for your ears to detect. But, sure, i like to think that it makes a difference, no matter how small or how undetectable it is! :nod: