I have a 2005 prius with 125,000 Km and we lived in a country where we have only 5-6 prius. The toyota dealer has just started selling prius and we have to rely on our own for diagnostic etc. Two days ago while driving i got a M.I.L. "ON" condition. I went to a local garage and they diagnosed a DTC P0AA6 with information codes 526 and 613. Generator Mg1 Revolution -2944 RPM M2 Revolution 1024 RPM Mg1 Torque 0 Mg2 Torque -28Nw Inverter Temperature (Mg1) 41 Inverter Temperature (Mg2) 42 Motor Temperature(Mg2) No2 42 Motor Temperature(Mg2) No1 49 I referred to the toyota Repair Manual and checked insulation resistance on the 6 terminals of the 3 phase alternating cables on the transaxle side and the body ground. Resistances on 3 terminals on the HV Generator side were all above 10 M ohm while on the other 3 terminals on the HV Motor Side, they were less than 1 ohm. As per the repair manual i need to replace the HV transaxle assembly. I want to buy one from a salvage car but i just wanted to know if i am right what i am doing and if there is anything i missed here as i am a newbie and the toyota dealer here are not reliable. I need your guidance about the replacement of HV transaxle assembly
There is a "sticky" to this topic in the Technical forum http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-prius-technical-discussion/58920-transaxle-failure.html It's involved, but probably no more so than with replacing a transaxle in any other front wheel drive car
I live in Massachusetts. I bought a 2005 with a 111K on it in New Jersey and brought it home. Love the car. However, I have had some recent problems and the RED Triangle Light, brake light, and another light came on so that it wouldn't start. I was advised yesterday that by a Toyota Dealer that I need a new transaxle. Fortunately, the car is under warranty up to 150K because Massachusetts, like New Jersey, is one of about 9 states to have adopted the California Emissions Statute which lengthens the warrant on certain hybrid components. I was lucky. Hopefully, after the dealer puts in the new transaxle, this will remedy the situation.
You are lucky. The transaxle is usually considered to be a powertrain warranty item, 5yr/60,000 miles. Sometimes, but not always, will Toyota cover this as a hybrid component.
Get a used tranny from one of the Prius recyclers like Adopt a Part in Denver or Auto be Yours in Indiana. If you (or your regular mechanic) can change a Corolla/Yaris tranny they can do a Gen2 Prius. Don't be scared of the Hybrid stuff. Follow my Gen2 Tranny notes here; http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-...prius-transmission-dealer-wants-5693-a-2.html
Toyota did cover it. Otherwise, I would have been looking at a $ 4,100.00 bill. I've only put 15 miles on the car as I type this, but it really seems to be running well.