I see some dull spots on the paint or clearcoat that look odd. I noticed it on the front of the car before I went to the car wash and I though it was some kind of dirt. The car came out of the car wash and it's still there and I see it on the back spolier too. It looks almost like residue of tape, but it isn't sticky and I can't feel it with my fingers. It feels perfectly smooth just like the areas around it. What could this be?
I think those were marked by the protective film during the shipping from Japan to here. See your dealer to remove them. That should be a piece of cake for them.
I would be surprised if that was what it is since the car is a year old now and I never noticed it before. If that's what it is, what would the dealer use to remove it? The car had a paint repair a few months ago. I wonder if it could be something from taping off the the car for the paint job?
Oh, as you said it had a paint job recently, see whether the paint shop can do something on it. But it's weird that you didn't noticed it after the paint job. Or was it came out these days? Can you recalled what had you encountered during your driving these days. Anyway,see the paint shop to fix it. They should have the solution to clean it.
So this takes some kind of professional grade product or tools that only a body shop or dealer has to remove it? Since it has been several weeks, the paint shop may deny they caused it (and they might be right if it was shipping film residue from Japan that went unnoticed for a year). Since it has been over a year since the car was purchased, the dealer may deny it also. The selling dealer is a few hours drive away from where I live now anyway. If it was shipping film, I would expect it to be kind of sticky and have a texture and I would expect it to have worn off after a year or weather, washes and waxes. It feels glass smooth after washing, but doesn't look as shiny as it should, so have a feeling it could be clear coat damage.
You don't get if you don't ask! It could be shipping film, it could be from the paint shop, it could be anything. Try the paint shop first, then the dealers. If it is shipping film the paint shop could probably remove it in 10 seconds anyhow.
Any chance it was shipping film you never noticed, then your recent paint job clearcoated over the film? So now you have essentially laminated the tape?
IMO...the clearcoat looks as if it's been marred by something stuck to it or pulled over it. I'm not sure it could be corrected short of repaint. Of course, diagnosing an isolated paint defect from a picture is pretty tough.
If claying doesn't work (I always clay before doing a full wax job) try Meguiar's swirl-x -> ultimate compound -> m105 -followed by m205 Do it in that order from "least abrasive" (swirl x) to "I'm gonna remove that crap off now" (m105). I've had great results using m105 and m205 to get rid of severe acid rain, water marks and swirl marks. Now this is assuming your repainted car had a good layer of clear coat applied. I would also suggest performing the removal by hand rather then investing in a random orbital or rotary buffer since its a small area you are dealing with. Good luck!
I went back to the body shop today to ask what it was and they took responsibility saying it was from plastic masking they used during the body repair, apologized for the problem and removed the marks in about 15 minutes.
I think i am having the same problem...does your mark look like something like this ? the surface is perfectly smooth and i don't think it can be removed because it looks like it is blended with the pain...if this is the same problem as yours..were you able to resolve it ? Thanks a bunch