I lost the only key to my mom's 2001 Prius. When I called the dealer to order a replacement, they said we had to bring the car in (can't do that, can't even have it towed - too complicated to explain) and he'd have to reprogram it - big money! So any options? It looks like there are ways you can reprogram a replacement key - but want to make sure I have the right instructions for a 2001 Prius. I've seen instructions about opening & closing door, and turning key in ignition, etc in a certain sequence - sounds insane, is that what the dealer really does? Also, where do I get the key, how do I know it's the right one? Can AAA make the key and then all I have to do is reprogram it with these weird instructions? Thanks, Blumengarten PS Mother had long ago lost the remote control and the other key, so we have nothing, she was too cheap to replace them, but since I lost the key, it's my responsibility now. I much prefer my Saturn, I can just go to the neighborhood hardware store and have him cut a new key!
The door opening/closing only refers to programming keyless remotes without a factory scan tool. The dealer would not do this anyway. For an all-keys lost scenario, I think you have a steep uphill battle. Here is what the service manual says: 3. IF ALL KEYS ARE LOST, OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING (a) Purchase a new transponder key ECU and a new key. (b) Replace the transponder key ECU with new one. (c) Insert a new key into the key cylinder, turn the ignition switch ON and leave it as it is for 30 min. That said, perhaps a salvage transponder ECU and key + ignition cylinder would work. Eric at Adopt-a-part (adoptapart.com) would know.
... thanks for the info there, without the keys, we can't get to the manual without calling AAA! I will contact Eric, thanks for the response!
I had this happen to me a couple years ago. There may be someone in your town that has the ability to reprogram your ECU. I got mine done for $400. Expensive, but not as expensive as replacing it outright. Call all the locksmiths you can find online, yellow pages, etc. There may be someone. The only other choice is to replace the ECU entirely. Once you get a new key, make a couple extra as spares. As you have found out the hard way, losing all your keys for a 1st gen Prius is an expensive lesson to learn.
There are locksmiths who can reflash the immobilizer to new condition. Probably about $1000 cheaper than anything a dealer has to offer. There are actually only a few places that actually do the reflash, but any locksmith should know how to contact them. You (or your mechanic) will have to remove the immobilizer and send it off to be reflashed. After it is reinstalled, the immobilizer will be in auto-registration mode. So you should purchase at least 2 new keys. Once you have at least one master key registered, you can add additional keys with the "chicken dance".
Okay, so some place like this, if you have a locksmith in the loop: Re-Program the Chip in the Immobilizer Control Box - Re-Flash Let us know how it works out.
So if I have it right, it looks like these are my options: -go to the dealer -find a locksmith who can cut a new key and reprogram the computer -have a locksmith cut a new key, then take the computer out myself and send it to someone who can reprogram it -find a junk car with keys attached and take the computer out of it Is that correct? If so, I sure hope you'd point me to a link with instructions for taking out the computer. I'm not intimidated by that, I've been learning how to do stuff on my Saturn -- I recognize that Seilerts has actually given me some helpful advice for that too! and would welcome the challenge.
Cutting a key is the trivial part of the process. The problem is authorizing the immobilizer to accept a new key. You may want to check with a dealer to find out just how ridiculous their price is for a new immobilizer. The only reasonable solutions are to reflash the existing immobilizer, or to replace it with a used unit (with a matched key). In both cases the immobilizer has to be removed from the car. Here's a good article on what you're facing... Prius 1st gen - Immobilizer / Lost all keys
start calling the wrecking yards.. the engine ECU is the same one for the key.. they are like $50-100. its simple to replace under the passenger dash. If they have the key that will take car of that side, but you would have to get some to A: change the door lock and key the ignition. But thats cheap.. I know the drive battery computer on my '02 croaked it was $11oo at the dealer and I found one in Tenn for $125. slapped that in and off I went. I have the directions to make a key but you NEED a working key to do that.. slamming the door 3 times and turning it on and off2 x or whatever the directions are... Coastal Electronic Technologies, Inc. check out the GEN1 scanner new production run.. Prius Mini Scanner please write back so we can learn how you resolved it! thanks, DON
I enjoyed your articles too, Rob. It's amazing the insurance companies can be so obstinate, but I used to work for one, and I know from first-hand experience they try every trick in the book to keep from paying a claim. All these bells and whistles on the new cars are pretty cool, as long as they work, but what a pain in the neck when they don't! When I bought my Saturn back in 2003, the car salesmen thought I was nuts when I insisted that I wanted a car with manual windows and door locks - now I learn that wheels have these RFID chips in them too? Just one more reason to keep my Saturn running until it's literally on death's door - it's repairable by me!
That seems different from what I understood. My manual shows the engine ECU and "immobiliser key ECU" as different parts, with the engine unit being under the passenger dash easy to get to, but the key ECU being rather high and deep behind the driver dash and much less easy to get to, just as photographed in the Art's Automotive article already posted in this thread: Prius 1st gen - Immobilizer / Lost all keys -Chap
Looks like the way to go is find a junked car an take out the ECU from it. Thanks for your advice. Am I correct that I don't need a special key for the doors and trunk? It seems more cost-efficient to simply have a new door key cut than to change all the locks! I'd rather use two different keys to operate the car and save the money. -It's very hard to find junked Priuses! Can I use an ECU from a different year, or a different Toyota model? -The guy at my local auto parts store will look for me, at Car-Parts.com I see "Computer Box NOT Engine" ABS, (L. Rr eng comp) Air Bag, (ctr console), side air bag Air Bag, (ctr console), w/o side air bag Hybrid Vehicle Cont, (R. lower dash) Multiplex Network, (L. dash) Steering, (L. dash) Theft/Locking, (L. eng comp) Would I want the Theft/Locking computer? Whichever ones they are they are far cheaper than what the dealer quoted!