Greetings, I'd like to introduce myself to the board, and have a little fun too. My name is Rick, and I live in Bend, OR. I'm currently experiencing "wait anxiety" for my Tideland Pearl package 6 which should arrive soon. Since y'all probably experienced this too, what suggestions do you have to pass this most difficult time? Points awarded for originality.
Do a search for a thread called "Jonesing" that I started when I was waiting for my prius in the summer. I listed a bunch of things I did to kill the time, but still was jonesing for a little fix, much like yourself it sounds..... Good luck on the wait, the car will be here soon, you can make it!
Welcome, RabidRick. You've done the best thing already - joining PriusChat! Other than that, you could...think of a cool name for your new car, or a neat licence plate. Or...research the gas mileage of the latest gas pigs, and have a good laugh. Or...look up the prices of the latest SuperCars, and laugh even harder.
C'mon, Squid, you can tell us. That might be safer than letting us use our imaginations, and then again, it might not.
Start purchasing small items.. (ie: anything on this site: Sigma Automotive) Good Luck on the wait. ~Shawn
Well, let's just say that most of it involves losing various bodily fluids... h34r: But, a safer alternative would be to catch up on your Robot knowledge, and post within this thread:
(A la Alcoholics Anonymous) RICK! :lol: Top Ten List Of Things To Do While Waiting For Your Prius 10. find maggie and invite her out for a cup of decaf 9. design, produce and sell (us) PriusChat/Prius T-shirts 8. find Mystery Squid and dabble in his, er, eccentricities 7. counsel galaxee on her school (college) choices 6. find roryjr and discuss Rush Limbaugh with him 5. proofread the recently-put-together FAQ and fill in all the gaps (if any) 4. gather up all the duplicate threads, put them in a bag and dispose of them 3. find malorn and invite him to go out and visit foreign car dealers with you 2. find Bill Merchant and discuss his avatar with him 1. PUT UP POLLS!
Here's my schpeal (most of you can just skip it): On the bottom of every page is a link called "Lo-Fi." Click that. It is a non-graphical, text-only version of Priuschat. You can skim topics MUCH faster. The subjects on every board are sorted by the date of their last post. The oldest threads are on the last-last page. So go to the very last page. Oh shoot, just click [HERE]. What you'll find is that in the very beginning everyone was asking the very same questions you're asking right now. Woh what do you do while you wait for your new Prius? Do exactly what I did for 7 and a half months while I waited for mine. Get comfortable and read.
Forget you ordered the car. Forget you ever heard of the car. Go on about your life. The time will pass much faster that way. "Doing" anything to pass the time is just watching the pot boil, and as the saying goes, it never will. When you finally get the call it will be a fun surprise, and you will have the coolest car in the universe. But until then, forget it even exists. Just my suggestion.
One day the historian in me (I taught high school history) impelled me to go backward in the Main Forum threads. I knew intuitively we were repeating many old threads---perhaps some (MPG in its many incarnations, what we like/dislike most, etc.) several times over. Long story short, I lasted only 25 pages before faltering. I also went back to what is now the "beginning", a few crashes later. It's funny, in a slightly painful kinda way, to see Danny and other PC pioneers putting up threads and responding to each others'. Of course, that's the nature of the beast. Posters come and go. "Crises" appear and subside. Rumors fly, claims are staked out. The ecstasies and agonies of us '06-waiters mirror the '05-waiters, and before them... All these electrons, shaped into words and struggling to express thoughts. (Can the PC software do a word count?) All of that, and a few thousand of us, focused on an interesting machine. Fifteen years ago, before major internet use, what could we have done with all this tingle? Not much. As an observer (and sometimes chronicler) of pop culture, I routinely think ahead 25 years, 50 years, a few hundred years with respect to certain phenomena. Male/female relationships, music and the other arts, modes of communication and transportation, fashions and mores---where are things headed? What will unanticipated technology have us doing in a hundred years? *rumination mode OFF*
One fun thing to do is to tell Prius owners you talk to things about their car that they don't know. :lol: Today I showed one how the front seat slid back and folded down for more cargo space. Priuschat rocks.
And some stay and contribute a lot DaveinOlyWA.....Members.....13-April 04.....5,049 efusco.....Moderators.....26-November 03.....4,020 Tideland Prius.....Members.....2-October 04.....3,356 DanMan32......Members.....27-August 04.....3,350
Aside from frequenting this site (either lurking or posting), my best advise is to... ... ignore the fact that the price of fuel is dropping. It was frustrating for me (receive my new Prius 5 days ago) to think of folks returning to their wasteful ways as well as watch my cost justification for the Prius erode slightly. I've fallen in love with my Prius (I don't call it a car)... oh yeah... be sure to lay the groundwork with your SO that it is your Prius. That helps pass the time too while ensuring your place in the great circle of life.
"Today I showed one how the front seat slid back and folded down for more cargo space. " They do? :blink:
Oops, I said it wrong. The front seat slides forward and then the back leans to the rear for more cargo space. Click on the ladder