Besides needing the part number of the book, i need to know some information inside of it. We now have a 2007 but i can't find the warranty book...let me know if you have one and can type some of it out for me, or take a few pictures....i'll tell you exactly what i'm looking for. Thanks in advance.
So close, but not what i was looking for. That is the maintenance book, i need to see the warranty book - the one that explains the various standard and emissions warranties, federal vs. CARB states, etc. I need to see the exact wording. Anyone have that book? The one that has "warranty" in the title? Thanks in advance.
I have it and I scanned it onto 30+ jpeg files. I have them filed into 3 folders -- each under 10mb. If your email system can handle attached files of under 10mb, I can email the 3 folders to you. PM me with your email address.