Date Ordered:3/19/2004 Dealer Ordered From Dan Hecht Chevy/Toyota Effingham, IL Timeframe given for delivery:July or August 2004 Color:Salsa Red Option Packageackage BC(#9) #5 on Dealer's Waiting List: I went to the dealer after I read about the Bluetooth Connectivity and the Mileage, Had to find one first to see if I fit(6'2" 335lbs). I found one on the 18th and went home and placed an order on the 19th. I Eagerly anticipate its arrival! Peace, Fr. Bill Kessler
They Delievered a Driftwood Pearl to another lucky person this weekend that makes me #4 WooHoo.. At 2 Cars a month that tells me I could be in my car by the end of June Peace, Fr. Bill Kessler
Nope, not yet, and I am not sure that I will . The quote I was given didn't have any information about my address. The Dealer is a friend so I know I am going to get what I ordered but he didn't even get my name and address. I would guess that Toyota would need that to send me a keychain. Peace, Fr. Bill
:cussing: If you get your Tabasco 9 before mine I'll pluck out one of your eyebrows. Manny Day 115 of anticipation
Yeah, sorry about that. Left the meds at home today. I figured If I plucked both of your eyebrows, people would assume it was a grooming incident gone terribly awry. If I just pluck one of you eyebrows, most people would likely stop to ask what happened, which would lead to additional business for Priuschat and the Prius as well.
Shaving them off is the real solution. Then we can draw in the clownlike ones and he can feign surprise. :silly:
this guy's getting away easy! manny told ME that if i got my salsa first, he would pull out my toenails!! :mrgreen:
I figured the only way people would know you got your toenails ripped off is if you're walking around barefooted.. Do you do that much? Actually, I like Dianne's idea of shaving them off but instead of clown, I'll draw real angry eyebrows and pencil in "Where's Manny's Prius in between his eyebrows.
WOOHOO! I just a bit ago got off the phone with my dealer. If all works out right I will get a BC by the end of MAY!!!!! This is a bit ahead of my timetable but I am really hoping it all comes together. I should know by Monday AM Peace, Fr. Bill P.S. ... My Toenails are safe if I get it, the Priust Car will be Driftwood. :mrgreen:
Confirmed! I will have by the end of May(if the shipping happens correctly) a Driftwood Pearl #9. I just have to get my Jeep Grand Cherokee Sold... No easy task these days. I am just grateful I will get it before the Memorial Day Gas Price Increase! Peace, Fr. Bill Kessler
My Beloved Jeep has been sold And I got news that my Driftwood Nine should be in portland by the 21 of May. I am guessing then 2 or 3 weeks more. The best thing is the dealer is going to loan me a car until my Prius Comes in... Oh Move Quickly Blessed Time! Peace, Fr. Bill Kessler
Actually, I prayed that the driver was allright as he drove the car into a flash flood... And that he would survive the loss of his prius... The car is dead, nothing to be done for it As for mine as of 8:12 AM Central this morning they are doing the PDS and installing my Prius XM Kit. I hope to have the car before noon WooHoo! Peace, Fr. Bill