I'm pulling a Rybold or andrewc, by postin' a story for y'all to see. Check it. Consumers Scramble for Prius as Gas Stays Pricey - Driver's Seat - WSJ blah blah blah [ame]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toyota_Prius[/ame] You can also read about http://www.toyota.com/prius-hybrid/ blah.
Only one link, Mac? Hardly worthy of a cwerdna comparison ;-) So Prii are attractive these days? That explains why so many cars like to stay on my tail, they're just checking out one good looking behind.
My local (Indiana) newspaper recently had a 2009 prius with 24,000 mi. for $25,000+ and a 2009 Caddy CTS with 17,000 mi for $23,000… The Prius is gone, the caddy is still listed 2 weeks later… hmmmm
That's amazing. Who says the Prius moves slower than other cars? BTW a 2009 CTS, in any other economic climate, is a really nice car. Shocked.
The dealer that sold my car to me has their used cars listed on their website. The GenIII fleet car, the 1, a 2010, was up there, used, with 36k miles at $27,000. They had 5 of them - all around that same price. Stupid money if anyone is stupid enough to pay that, but they think they can get it because of the shortage and the demand.