We bought my daughter a first gen last year, didn't have but 80k miles. Tonight she called me and said that a yellow triangle with n exclamation point is lit up on the dash and the screen of the car. She did drive it a couple blocks from the gas station to her boyfriends before looking in the manual and she told me it says not to drive it. Can any one tell me what it mean? I work on boats wand am out and would like a little heads up before we have it towed in some where. We have a 07 model, but I can remember what the light means, and can't get a hold of my wife to look it up right now. thanks in advance....
The Classic can display three warning icons on the MFD. Usually one of the three appears in red. That is the one to be concerned about. If your daughter's car is displaying the MFD icon that shows a vehicle with an !, that means the hybrid vehicle system has a problem. Could be the traction battery, inverter, transaxle, etc. I suggest that she have the car towed to her local Toyota dealer for assistance.
Thanks, I'm not sure if it is red or not... but they will have it towed some time tomorrow probably.... peace
Tell her to do three boot up sequences, I have had once same problem after long driving with high speed, probably electric system was overheated, after 15min I did 3 boot up cycles and failure disappeared. If she still will have symbol - call toyota. Computer is clearing error lamp if there is no problem during 3 consecutive boot ups. Still this mean something is wrong and should be checked.
I live in Massachusetts and bought a 2005 Toyota Prius in October, 2010 with 111K miles. Lately, the red triangle has come on as well as brake sensor light. I had a new inverter installed (recall) at a dealer two weeks ago and installed a new auxillary battery by myself last week. I took it to the dealer two days ago and they were having a difficult time determining what was wrong with the car. I now have 115 K on it. Last night, I was informed that it needs a new transaxle due to high voltage leak. Fortunately for me, Massachusetts follows the California Emissions statute and the Prius is under warranty for 150K miles (and/or either 120 months or 180---not sure). Hopefully, this is indeed the problems and that I've dodged a 5-6K repair. I really love the car. Perhaps, if this is not the cause of my proble, I will need a new Hybrid Battery.
joe53, please keep us informed about this, but it would be better to start your own thread in the GenII forum.