Don't know if it would be a good idea to have a perforated line in the middle of the tissue so we could use half if that's all we need. However, I'm sure there might be some strong nose blowers that would blow the through the perforation which of course would defeat the whole purpose of the tissue. As of now, I'm pretty good at tearing the tissue in half when that's all I need. I would be surprised if I were the only one on this board doing this.
My allergies preclude such gentle tissue use. Typically I'm sprinting Bolt style to the tissue box, wild around the corners while trying to avoid hitting my head on things, and reaching for the Tissue in the last millisecond before complete and wild nasalgasm. That being said, when in a more sober state I do ration paper towels like it's the last roll on earth.
I evacuate my nasal passages using a microfiber like satin material crafted from the fur membrane taken from illegally slaughtered baby white seals. Does that make me a bad person?
If you are serious about saving the environment, you can wipe your rear end with only one square of TP. [ame=""] - How To Wipe With One Square - Uploaded by vincenzof@@AMEPARAM@@[/ame]