Do you save your used Motor Oil? i save mine for my chain saw bar oil, .. and waste oil heater in the winter..
I recycle it at the county transfer station. Many of the county vehicles where I live use recycled oil. Search for Used Oil Certified Collection Centers
Most auto parts stores and repair shops accept used motor oil. You can find locations here. I just soak mine up with a bald eagle.
A local garage here has a big recycling bin for it. I just pour it back into to an empty jug (usually from the previous oil change) and drop it off for recycling. I think most of the "recycled" oil around here just gets burnt which isn't really that great for the environment (I'm not 100% sure on that though). Anyway I'd rather see it get re-refined like the stuff they use to make Valvoline nextgen etc. As for re-using it for the chainsaw etc, I have done that in the past but these days I prefer to use clean oil for those misc lube jobs (bicycle chains etc). I pretty much always have one or two near empty jugs that have a little bit left, enough to use for that type of thing, so no need to bother with using the dirty used stuff.
Not sure how using it in the chainsaw is better than dumping it down the sewer. It ends up in the environment either way. I use used vegetable oil in the chainsaw.
Along with used cooking oil taking from French Fries restaurants (sic Freedom Fries)... ... it is used for making Mascara and such feminine beauty products. ...ick... I used to think it was used for plastics.
Canadian tire takes used oil. And filters. And emptied oil bottles. Mohawk Gas used to take used oil. One advantage with them: you just dumped your oil into their tank; less containers to deal with.
Is now a good time to be annoying and mention that EVs don't require oil changes? I change the oil so rarely in the Prius that I forget how to do it each time! But to answer the question - I collect it, but don't "save" it. It is taken to the recycle center where they take the filters as well.
You're smug now, but wait until you have a bucket of old electrons to recycle. Who do you think will take them? You are going to end up dumping them down the drain just like all of the other sparkies. Tom
Oh heck no. I'll just transfuse the electron soup with this new process: MIT Students Develop Liquid Fuel for Electric Cars – Gas 2.0
I just calculated that I use approximately 170L of fuel for each 1L of engine oil that I use. Each OCI (3.5L oil) : 14000 km = 588L of fuel (@4.2L/100km) From that perspective I'm pretty sure that recycling engine oil is more about being sure that it is responsibly disposed of rather than doing much to conserve oil. BTW. That's doing fairly long (8500 to 9000 mile) drain intervals on good quality oil. I guess for a lot of people doing shorter intervals the fuel to oil usage ratio would be a lot lower.
Proper disposal is certainly the most important reason. Folks used to just dump it on the ground in down a storm drain. Now that we've some more creative uses for the re-refined oil, there are several great reasons to recycle.
I agree. Every time I hear someone extoll the longer service intervals as a way to conserve oil I get exasperated: engine oil consumption is insignificant compared to gasoline consumption, regardless of interval, say 5000 mi vs 10000 mi.