A most desired and valuable accessory from the Prius crowd would be a powerful rangebooster. This could be in the form of a booster on the original key fob or even a seperate unit. It could even come in two flavors. One for Engine Start, and another for A/C only start. Toyota failed to give their owners enough range on the factory units, so I detect an aftermarket opportunity.
Just hold the Fob/Remote under your chin, touching you chin. Extended range 2x or more. (Optional, stare at your car, and concentrate real hard) Your body acts as an antenna. Many videos on this on Youtube. There seems to be a strange side-effect, the quality of the remarks indicate that every time you do this, the IQ of the commenters goes way, way down... Same reason the older 900Mhz phones doubled in range and clarity when held to head. Sadly they only make 2.4 & 5.8 Ghz ones now, the human body has no more effect. The 900Mhz Radio Shack cordless from the late 80's, with the whip antenna, you could be in your neighbors house and it would work.
An aftermarket remote start will fix the problem. The FOB is good for up to 1 mile and using your smart phone there is no limits on range.
i think holding it to your throat and sticking your tongue out works a little better... a good 30 to 40 ft better.
I have Viper 5701 with SmartStart, so I do carry only Toyota's key fob and my smartphone, Viper;s remote is sitting on my night table so I can hear that the alarm is on if the car is parked a block away. Smartphone only required for remote start, you can arm/un-arm after market alarm by touching the door handle or just use OEM remote.