Saw one just last week... wait, that was Dave's! It's a nice Leaf. Would a group of them be a Pile of Leaves?
I saw a second Leaf in Carlsbad, CA. Different people, different dealer plate. To date, I have seen three Leaves and about 15 Volts. (they were not the same car - different colors, different dealer plates, different drivers - totally different cities and counties) I'm hoping to see more Leaves. I like the Leaf much better than the Volt (although I still think the Volt is cool. I'm allowed to like both, and I do like both. I like the PHV Prius a lot also)
Oh I do not know. I understand there was a delay at launch as all UK Leafs had their sound completely disabled to comply with a little known piece of UK motoring legislation - something to do with not making any artificial noise between 11pm & 6am. The car I saw was silent but I couldn't say if it was due to a manual switch or completely disabled. I am hoping to pop for a test drive of one after my sighting so could perhaps report back afterwards.
Saw another one today. It was a white one in Redmond, WA at a stoplight. It also didn't have plates yet. Although I didn't see it, someone at my former company spotted a black one at his work and posted it on FB. So, the tally for my area comes to white, red and black Leaves.
My Nissan Leaf Forum • View topic - 11 Leafs in the wild : Seattle Leaf Meet - 2 In Redmond yesterday? You should have seen a crowd of them
I'll post the event news here before hand. Also, you can join the "Seattle Nissan Leaf Owners" facebook group.
saw a blue one Saw a blue one today in Redmond, WA. It was coming out of a set of Microsoft buildings.
Saw one in my town again on Saturday night. I think it lives nearby as I've already seen it twice before.
Spotted 3 new Leafs on a car carrier as I was going thru a parking lot. I realized later that I was very close to Nissan of the Eastside (Bellevue, WA). Later that afternoon, I saw a blue Leaf at a Taco Bell drive thru in Bellevue/Redmond. It might've been the same blue one I spotted in an earlier post.
Someone snapped a nice shot of our local group meet and greet, with my 'IBELIEF' plate shining: We're meeting at the Irvine spectrum in about 3 weekends if anyone happens to be around.
Saw a blue Leaf at the Crossroads area of Bellevue, WA yesterday. Not sure if it's the same as the blue one I'd seen before in Redmond.
Dang, I still have no Leaf sighting 'in the wild'. Must not be looking close enough, or spending enough time on the road. Did see Dave's Leaf in Lacey a month ago, but that was an intentional display, next to the student electric car race track. I did see an Altima Hybrid on I-5 this morning, making three different hybrids abreast at one moment - Altima, Prius, and Civic.
Finally, my first Leaf sightings in the wild today, and even two! A black one parked in Kirkland, with a temporary tag expiring July 16. And a red one in a parking garage in Redmond, temporary tag expiring July 17. My car recognition is slow to tune into the styling cues, and the first was spotted only by a glimpse of the name on back, so had to double back to confirm it. So it is likely I've missed many potential sightings.
Saw a blue one again today. Not sure if it's the same car as the above. It was in the same area where I've seen a RAV4 EV running around before. I wouldn't be surprised if the owner of the above Leaf also owns the RAV4 EV.