Anyone know the cost to replace the brake capacitor that is in the trunk of the prius near the 12V. Or the part name or number? I have been searching all over but no luck.
It's like a Flux Capacitor except it stops you. See Cwerna's post, two posts down, for a useful answer.
See page 6-6 of It's the black box in the back that partly blocks the 12 volt battery and has a label that (from memory) refers to brake backup power source assy, something like that.
Ebay search ----------- prius brake supply ----------- around 12 items showed prius brake supply | eBay
OK, having read the document, I understand what it is for. It's just a bank of 28 caps wired to provide stored +12 volts in case of a loss of power during braking. Cool! However having just spent over an hour searching, I too am unable to find the unit part number, much less cost. It's the unfindable part! You may have to spend $15 bucks, hop onto TIS and look it up there! Do you need to replace yours, or is this a curiosity thing?
Need it replaced. Rear ended and it broke the box. I am trying to figure out what needs to be replaced so I can get rid of the Red triangle to drive to repair shops.
Dude, bummer, I am assuming this is a non Insurance repair? On the side note I looked at ebay, there's one here in Glendale my QTH, for $70 bucks! Here is the URL for the eBay search for these things! prius brake supply | eBay
Do the used part I'm finding on eBay need to be dealer recoded to my car or is this not one of those parts? I was told $1295 by my dealer for new and am crossing my fingers that this is just the A3 fuse, but preparing for the worst