How about the Little Debbie brand. Their slogan, and I'm not making this up, used to be "Little Debbie has a taste treat for you." I always found that disturbingly suggestive, but perhaps only because my wife's name is Deb. She used to go by Debbie when we were younger. Tom
I never buy them - I'm with Rae Vynn on that one! It's kind of funny that the ingredients for oreo cookies has chocolate listed as the last ingredient. NabiscoWorld
You wouldn't expect much chocolate (or coco) in an Oreo. They are hard wafer cookies with a vanilla cream filling. The only chocolate is in the wafers, and then it's only enough to add some flavor without making the cookie soft. They aren't really chocolate cookies; they are chocolate flavored wafer cookies. Tom
One of the factories that makes oreo's is Contintinetal Bakery in northwest Ohio. I've heard creepy stories about what can get into the cookie batches (not intentional), but I suppose that's true of any food manufacturing. Afterall, remember what's been found in fast food burgers and chilli?
I tend to not purchase them unless I'm looking for cookies, or they're being marketed as on sale. They are usually an impulse buy more than anything else. But Milanos for life. Best cookies ever, IMO
Oreos just haven't been right since they stopped making the filling with genuine lard. Lard and sugar, two of the basic food groups in one filling.
make your own oreo filling Oreo Filling 1 (.25 ounce) envelope unflavored gelatine 1/4 cup cold water 1 cup shortening 5 cups confectioners' sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Soften unflavored gelatine in cold water; set in heatproof cup in pan, simmering until clear. Let cool. Cream together shortening, confectioners' sugar and vanilla extract. Add cooled gelatine mixture. Beat for 10 minutes. Put a spoonful onto one cookie. Top with another cookie, then press cookies gently together to spread the filling. Read more: What is the white filling in Oreo cookies made of? | Answerbag What is the white filling in Oreo cookies made of? | Answerbag
Of course, I mean sugar IS good for diabetics...right? Okay, maybe not so much.... but when I absolutely can't resist - I will get some... but then my father wipes them out....along with all the milk...
I would have expected a higher percentage of fat but if the imitation tastes close to the real thing, I defer to their expertise.