Hi all, Sorry to say that this is my first post on here and it starts off on a bad note. My wife has been driving a 2002 for the last 3.5 years for her daily commute to work. Last Wednesday the inverter went out on her, left her on the side of the road waiting for a tow. Finally had it towed and found out the trouble it had, and to greater disappointment found out the $$$ it cost to fix. After chatting with the service manager, I told him I would probably take my chances trying to find a replacement inverter from a trustworthy place on the net, so he gave me the part # to look for, which for those that care is G9200-47071. Now here is where the trouble starts. I can't seem to find that particular part in all the used inverters that I've seen on ebay, etc. I have found numerous others that say that they are for an 01-03 Pruis. So my question is can I get one of these other inverters to work in my car? I asked the service manager about this but he didn't seem like he really knew for certain, and just said that that's what the parts person said they would order from their part catalog to fix it. If anyone can help me out I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks!
I suggest that you look at the part number of the inverter which is currently installed in the car. As long as you get an inverter with a part number whose suffix is that number or higher, but no higher than 47071, then you should be good to go (if the salvage part is operational.)
Alright, I'll do that thanks for the help I appreciate it! I take it that the first part of the part # (9200) has to be the same??
Just for kicks, I looked this one up at Conicelli. Item Number MSRP Core Price Price G920047071 $3,264.54 $0.00 $2,546.34 Electrical - Electrical components - Inverter - W/label# g920047070 W/label# g920047070 - Inverter, w/converter 2001 - 2003 In other words, you may order the 47071 part from a dealer, but get a box with a 47070 label. lol
I am parting out a 2002 Prius with only 71,000 miles on it. It belonged to a college and was used as the campus security car. The Inverter is in perfect condition. It is the 47070 part number. It will work fine. I was about to put it on ebay for $600 but you can have it now for $500. I can also install it if the distance isn't too great.