Yes, I buy and consume oreos. I love to dunk them into my hot coffee. Not a big fan of twinkies but I do like ding dongs or ring dings as they are called here in the east. I am also in Love with Little Debbie.
Once in a while we buy the oreos (esp. the "Double Stuff") as a treat for the kids. Haven't had twinkies or ding dongs in many many years...and those ding dongs are just nasty--styrofoam covered with candle wax.
Just found sugar free oreos - hadn't eaten them in years. But, these were great. except you then need that glass of milk afterword.
I rarely eat those things. I haven't had an Oreo in a long time. I can't remember my last Twinkie and I used to love Ding Dongs in high school but haven't had one since. We bought Newman O's once, maybe twice, but for the most part, no. Don't buy them and don't eat them.
Yes... I don't get to eat them anymore, but the grandkids love em... well, so does the frau... but she IS the Queen... so it's allowed.
I'll eat anything in that genre, but I'm too cheap to pay for it. So my cheapness sort of protects me. However, every 2 months after blood donation, I go to town with the handouts. I figure 1 pint of blood is good for 6 or 7 packages.
That's funny. My entire speech to my sister(well more to my future BIL) at her wedding was, "If momma ain't happy, ain't no one happy."
No. No. NO. Will I eat an Oreo? yes. but not very often. and I won't buy the crap. Once you get used to eating real food, the crap tastes like crap.
lettuce. we prayed for farmers and ranchers today in church. it was nice. however, nabisco and i are very close.
I only buy sugar free cookies now, and not very often. I did have a Nutter Butter cookie last time I donated blood.
I don't even know what a Ding Dong looks like! Or a Ho-Ho.... Hmm, notice these products have suggestive names?
One of the first times I donated blood, I turned down the juice and cookies, thinking it wasn't good for me. And I was in a bit of a hurry, so I just hopped and my bike and took off. I nearly passed out at the first intersection. Now, I'm not nearly so pure, and I'll ask for more of the chocolate ones.
oh yes. I buy them, and oreos with nutella, ice cream and milk all go in the mixer. Sweet sweet milk shake
My mom buys oreos sometimes (double stuff, the original has nothing on them) and they taste fine. I dont think I would buy them on my own though.
I prefer to make my own cookies; i.e. extra-thick chewy chocolate chip, buttermilk, almond apricots, old-fashion oatmeal w/raisin rum. recipes are available for the asking. BTW, I think one of the state fairs does deep-fried twinkies; maybe Texas?