Nice to know you guys are all here! I recently moved from the Northeastern Seaboard to the Arizona desert. This afternoon I got in my 2007 Prius II that I have only had for 1 year (108 degrees outside) and just a few feet out of my driveway I heard "white noise", and realizd there was a fan going in my right side back seat passenger's area. (Never realized there was even a grill there.. duh). I figure this is an automatic fan due to the excessive heat in the cabin of my car from sitting in the full sun with windows only cracked in the back. Common sense right? Thus, I found your site and joined to educate myself a bit. Did a search, and gather this may be the Traction Battery Fan? Is that correct? (and what the heck is a traction battery - don't answer that.. I will do the search mode & not waste your time ) If so, I also gleaned from this site that I should definitely recirculate A/C cooling and get the cabin cooled down in order to help this fan to stop running? Or at least run at an inaudible speed? Or, experts, should I be monitoring anything in the dash or be concerned in any way? After all, 108 degrees in only a mildly warm day here... and am I'm looking at the next 4 months topping 115, and my fan on high all the time in the back seat? A confused 57 yrs old female!
Hybrid Components - has the labeling of the Priuses in figures 3.9 and 3.10 reversed
Simplest way to think about it: if it is sweltering for you, then your battery is also uncomfortable. A/C is a good idea in that case, it will help cool the battery. Maybe get some shades or those big "sunglasses" to go under the windshield when you're parked to help out?
Thanks for your quick response. I do believe I should look into getting my windows tinted with dark sunscreens here, and a windshield cover of some sort is definitely in order since the only thing in my front yard is a 60 foot cactus that provides no shade, and my driveway in on the west side of the house! ha!
Yes, don't be afraid to run your cabin air temp in the mid-70s to help yourself as well as the traction battery. Considering the long summer and hot temps that you and your car are in for, I recommend that you ensure that the engine and inverter coolant systems are operating properly. If the odometer is near 100K miles, the original coolant should be replaced now. Subsequent change intervals are at 50K miles. Look at the engine coolant pump to ensure no leaks at the pulley. When the Prius is READY, look at the inverter coolant reservoir. You should see turbulence in the fluid level which indicates the inverter coolant pump is circulating fluid. If you don't see this, then I suggest you have the system checked out by your local Toyota dealer. Finally, make sure the AC system is working properly and seek dealer help if it is not. Do not allow a non-dealer tech to service the AC system since special compressor oil is required. Good luck.
Thanks Patrick (I see you are in AZ as well & knowing the heat here). I know READY mode, but don't know the "inverter coolant reservoir" indicator/screen... to watch. Direct me where it is in the '07 panel or screen please. FYI - only have 50,000 miles on my car.
There is no indicator or screen. He's talking about the small coolant reservoir under the hood next to the large silver box that says "HYBRID SYNERGY DRIVE" on it. He's not talking about the other coolant reservoir that's closest to the the front of the car and the radiator.
Ok, I will pop the hood in curiousity now. Thanks again, and your link provided earlier was much appreciated.