I've had my snow tires sitting in my garage for 2 weeks waiting for the snow.. I hope we get some soon so I can put them on and see how it handles
I can never get enough! - I love snow, skiing, snowmobiling, snow shoeing and any other winter activity So is it the warm temps that kills the life of snow tires or is it dry roads? Or both? Temps are set to drop around here and I can only imagine snow is right around the corner. I'd prefer to just get my tires on when I have time, rather than have just a day to get them on when they call for snow. I just want to get the most life out of them and since I drive about 500 miles a week, I figure I'm best waiting if dry roads will affect them.
i can't wait for snow! unfortunately... it's likely to be no more than an inch and will cause complete and total chaos.
Yeah, I was in DC for a small storm and the whole place shut down. I was amazed at how such a small amount could shut a whole city down.
Dude the Fates are going to fray your string. You are in deep dodo and the whole ENW is going down with you. I am sorry.
Arrg! You do realize, snow is a 4 letter word! Surely this forum has standards of conduct for posting. Perhaps the moderators will forgive this most heinous offense
Hey as long as it snows in the rockies I'm happy. If it has to snow here in the flatlands to make that happen then, oh well. I like my drinking water, thank you very much!
Heh funny... It is funny how a car can change your weather outlook, I had a Honda Prelude for a while, hated snow even got stuck in my own parking lot 2 days so the next year I bought a Jeep (now that may also be a 4 letter word please forgive) and couldnt wait for the snow and boy did I get it and then some... now the Jeep is going bye bye and the Prius is on the way and now once again I am not looking forward to the snow, although still not as much as when I had the Prelude (should have invested in winter tires, the summer performance tires just didnt cut it in the winter).
One of my favorite 4 letter words. The way I look at it, if you don't like all 4 seasons, there are plenty of places to live without them. My favorites (summer and winter) you can't get without the other 2 in between and I like them as well. It allows for wind down from on fun season to the wind up to the next. I wouldn't mind it if it (for the most part) only snowed up in Vermont, but that never happens. Only negative effect I see from it is the traffic it causes when it happens during rush hour. Otherwise, I completely prefer it to rain.
Ahhh. But one does not need to shovel rain. Aside from family and the general NE atmosphere (lived here all my life -- so far), spring, summer, and fall are what keep me here. Big fan of color... not a big fan of winter. Not a big fan of other drivers in the winter. I agree... VT can keep the snow.
True. But, you could get a flame thrower and melt it, couldn't you? And, you can't make snowmen out of rain? Or sled in rain? (And yes, I still sled at 31 years old)
Oh it gets better. They shut down schools if it's COLD ENOUGH to snow, even if there's no snow in the forecast. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Sorry to all you southerners... but I grew up having to still go to school in -70 temps and 2 feet of snow...