after a visit to where I bought mine... I won't be going back. Elmhurst toyota will no longer be seeing any of my business. I went in with my first oil change certificate b/c I have a lot of miles on mine (about 20 from 5,000) and was absolutely Horrified at the way I was treated. Yes I'm young. Yes you people there might not be used to dealing with someone of my age who has a job, graduated college, and has a car of her own that she BOUGHT. (thats another thing they questioned, is if I bought the car, Its right there in your records, just look!) To make a long story short, they took my car from me at about 5.55-if not 6pm. It was supposed to be an express lube. Supposed to be. I got up and looked twice in the service area cause I wanted to go home from a long day of work, no sign of Prometheus, no sign of the guy that checked me in. Its now 7pm. A completely guy comes up to me, telling me he thinks they're about finished with my car.... I was horrified at how long it took. And Since I'm on the topic, they shoved paperwork at me and told me to sign here, well that paperwork says I've seen my car, where is it? The parked poor Prometheus out in the snow, in the dark, well I'm going out to look at him. Service guy gives me my key. I can't see anything in the dark. So at the least bit I'll just open the door the throw the paper work in. *hand in door sensor* no beeps... hrm thats strange. They left him unlocked!!! I have all of my tools for bird grooming in there (including a professional dremel) change in the center console, cell phone from work, and work papers/equipment... holy shit I hope nothing is stolen. Its way to cold and dark to check for any of that, and I haven't had dinner yet >< I got back and tell the guy (I was way way way less than pleased at this point) I'm not signing your paperwork, you guys left my car (I continually refered to the car as him) sitting in a parking lot, and I can't check him out. They also continually told me that I was due in for another oil change in like 3,000 miles. I will ARGUE and fight you over this cause this isn't what the maintence log says... the next oil change is at 10,00 miles, NOT before. I'm also highly ticked off that they took my front license plate frame (black) and replaced it with one to advertise themselves. I noticed this when i got home, had a further s**t fit and ripped it off. So, considering I called the number on there and they don't rectify the situation (no one was in when I called) I am NEVER taking my car back there, nor trusting it with them. Where do all you guys go?
Ok, this one would upset me as well. It's one thing if they did this prior to your taking possession of the car. But you own it, so it's not up to them to install accessories (free or otherwise) without your permission. I can't help with a dealer in your area, so good luck on that! And enjoy Prometheus!
I had an "express coupon" meaning it should have been 29 minutes for the oil change. I was informed that I should have gotten one of those nifty little pagers that goes off when they're finished. I noticed several other people with them, but not me, perhaps they were out of them? I hate to say it, but when they know that you have stuff in the vehicle and you are trusting them with it, it is their responsibility to LOCK it up. I know I don't drive up to any parking lot and think, well I'll only be gone for a few minutes, I'll just leave him unlocked. :blink:
Parrot Lady - I totally understand and just want to offer my sympathies. I wish I could help with a recommendation, but can't. And I agree, the license plate thing would make me furious! Sounds like you have an interesting profession. Love your Prius's name too
Actually I'm R&D in a company that doesn't have R&D on paper so yeah... the bird stuff was in there cause I do that in my spare time. Sanatizing it gets expensive though. if they had stolen my back plate frame... my bf bought it for me. "Happiness is biting my parrot back" I would just have gone ape on them last night. And the Prius name comes from two places-- stargate sg-1 and The greek god often seen as a trouble maker for giving fire to the humans ^_^
Yeah, I'd probably be inclined to rubber-band the advertising plate to a brick and lob it at their front window, myself....
well... I felt inclined to get back there for their luncheon since I had RSVP'd (I've only had Prometheus about three months) that and I had invited a neighbor (like a grandparent) previous to that.... I think I'd call it lunch and a show. At least that what someone in the party did. The service manager was there. He had found out about the problems I had on Thursday when my dads car went in for warranty repairs... I was told by another service tech that had looked at my car Saturday the car alarm that I had PAID to have installed (their VIP 3200 or whatever it is) was NEVER installed. Service manager was informed of this. his response to my father was "Not right now"in a very harsh tone in taking care of the problem. Fine. you won't recognize that there is a problem, and you won't take care of it? I'm not waiting, and I'm not leaving UNTIL the problem is taken care of. I called the non-emergency police number. Then they can deal with the cops showing up during their event because they don't want to admit to anything of their wrong doing and possibly comitting fraud. I don't want to be an Jerk of a customer. If his response had been different (something more along the lines of "pull your car in and we'll look at it when we can today") I wouldn't have gone that far. But... I did, because you don't treat people, your customers, the people YOU depend on to have a business, like that, EVER. So the police show up. And I'm fuming, I've got the bill of sales with the car alarm on there, and can't find the alarm install paperwork, but its in their system. So they send two sales people to explain how it is supposed to work. It doesn't work. *guy gets aggravated* and the car winds up in their service bay. Tech comes out, and he knows the alarm inside and out. Points out he doesn't think that my car has it... *cops leave cause the problem will be taken care of* Theres supposed to be a sticker in the window that my car doesn't have. Wonderful. So he gets to the car and tries it. alarm doesn't go off the first time. (keys against the glass) and he tries a different window. this time... it works. So he's sure the alarm was installed. He goes through several other procedures, and shows me that the car alarm works. Fine. At least I didn't get ripped off, but it took drastic measure to get them to recognize that I had a problem. Turns out when I came to pick up the car, the service guy should have flipped me back over to someone in sales who SHOULD have demonstrated the alarm. Yeah well that never happened. Sales guy was also informed of incident before this that left me feeling that I should never bring my vehicle back there ever again. I have two two inch long scratches on my bumper and there was a tool removed, but it only cost me about $5 on clearance at walmart. *sigh* Lunch and a show. ^_^ never a boring day with me around. ohhhh ohhh and I met another seaside pearl owner who has pinstripes, sidemoulding, mudflaps, and the rain guards! I went out to drool over his car... just cause he has some of the stuff I wanted for Prometheus. I told him about PC, and I hope he comes here.
Try Toyota of naperville, I've bought TWO vehicles from them over the last feww years, been treated great.
I've had a similar experience. The end result is I'm getting a refund because they say there is no VIP option available. It sure sounds like it's possible to install an alarm, but that it's very iffy if the technician will know how to test the alarm without scratching up your Prius or your composure. Wilson
yeah I'm starting to doubt it. The engine/hood has very little room under it, and where the hell are they going to put in an alarm package. I wonder if it wasn't something that was activated in the car and not their VIP alarm system. *sigh*