Probably not what most 'hypermilers' here would be happy with... but I was pretty ecstatic given I'm still figuring out my 'technique', breaking the car in... after using about half a tank in town... I set off on a trip to pick up my son down the interstate. I didn't expect to make the 280 mile round trip on a half of tank of gas... in hindsight, it seems I probably could have made it. I told my son we weren't stopping until we hit 500 miles... he started freaking out, all worried, when the last fuel tick did start blinking, but not for long... by the time we pulled into the gas station, I only had to add 9.2 gallons... ie 54mpg... I was very happy for my first fill up. I love this car! and am already 'pumped up' to better my last tank's mileage.
Congrats stargazer1!! I'm still on my first tank of gas... just below half a tank. It's funny... I used to dread going to get gas. Now I'm kind of excited. I want to do the math by hand to see how accurate the MPG is. On my trip to work yesterday I got 61.4 mpg!! ... according to the trip guage. I'm with you... I love this car!! Here's to a better next tank... :tea:
There is a stickied thred in the fuel economy forum that many Geniii owners have contributed to. It shows the car's calculations to be off by 3%-6% or so. The Genii is off by 1%-2%. So don't freak out if your mpg calculations are much less than the computers. They could also be dead on. Who knows. It's best to tracks this over many tanks.
Recorded since the beginning of this year, our in-dash vs calculated error is 7.63%. Lowest error was 4.26% and highest 9.56% Guess in which way... While I've been resetting the trip meter (Trip A) for each tank, I mainly use that as a backup, and for feedback as to how far we've got on the tank. My main calc is by using the odometer reading: subtract the previous from the current. The problem I have with relying on the trip meter: I've reset it accidentally once or twice. The in-dash trip record saved my bacon there, but all-in-all: the odo is safer. The difference between current and previous odo readings should agree with the trip meter, makes a good cross check.