I ran over a plastic bucket. The bucket pushed a little bump, about. 1/8inch high and about 1 inch in diameter on the center of the bumper. I hate it. What's the best solution to removing it? Very grateful for any suggestions. Rory Tate Canadian, OK.
Is the ding on the "lower lip"? I did that too and had to carefully "back tap" it out by first removing the lower black cover plate to get behind it. With careful pressure, I got most of the ding out and then purchased a brush bottle of matching touch-up paint from the dealer ($12). I carefully bushed over the ding and for the most part, I don't see it, but mine is a dark color which makes a difference. If you have a lighter color, it could stand out. Someone here posted a bumper fix using a hair dryer too. Good luck
You can try the suction cup method - but you will need to heat the area first (heat gun) - DO NOT overheat the area - get it warm, then try to pull it out. If that doesn't work, you'll need to pull off the bumper and go at it fro the back...
Thank you very much for your responses. However, I left out a very important detail: the plastic bucket went under the bumper and pushed the 'ding' upward, causing a pimple-like effect on the upper surface of the bumper. In some ways this may be easier to fix but I don't know. Further suggestions?
Coincedentally, I just happened to find several videos on youtube yesterday showing several people removing dents from their bumpers. You might want to take a look there to see if you find any situations similar to yours. In the videos I saw, it appeared that applying heat was key to resolving the issue...
You better find some mechanic rather than finding solution here. Because this would ease your problem no matters you spend some money on it.