from the iPhone you send the picture to something like Flickr or twitPic, then here in the forum you post the URL pointing to the image
... or with the iPhone connected to your PC with the USB cable, click "Manage Attachments" under Additional Options where you create your post, click "Browse" in the attachment window, browse your iPhone for the pic or pics you want to post and click "Upload" Whichever way you are more comfortable with. Good Luck, Nolo
I have pics in a folder on my how do I get them to the Prius Chat forum? Also, along the same line, it isn't clear to me how to get the avatar pic up.... (Yes, I have read the directions, but they weren't quite detailed enough.) Thanks,
The best thing to do... don't use the "Quick Reply" box at the bottom of the pages. You have more options if you just click "Reply" at the bottom of a post. At the top of the "Reply to Thread" box, about halfway in the middle is a paperclip avatar with a drop down menu next to it. Click on the paperclip, and a window will appear. That will allow you to upload several pictures at one time.
As far as the avatar... it depends on if you're uploading a custom picture of your own to use. If you are in fact using one of your own, you'll have to resize the picture to the specs listed... I believe 150x100. I use an avatar sizer program. It was free, and works pretty good. Although some pictures just don't look right, but it serves it's purpose for me. You can also resize pictures if the pictures are uploaded into, or another photo sharing site of that likeness. I'm not the best to describe it because I don't really know all of the technical terms, but if I can't explain it well enough, someone else here certainly can. Let me know if I can be of any more help!
I upload all of my pictures to photobucket. After the upload is complete, they have an "IMG" tag under the photo. Simply copy it and paste it in this text box.
There's also a gallery here that you can post pictures to, works similarly. I would suspect the odds are better that the links would still be valid, a year or two later. As long as you leave the pics in place.
Just learning how to add an avatar to my name. did it work? Nope. It went in the post. How do I get my avatar below my name like the post above? Thanks for any help. Figrued it out. Took little doing but got it.