There is an intermittent buzz coming from the center console of my 2010 Prius trim level 2. It seems to be coming from the climate control system. It lasts for about three seconds, and it sounds like a fan with a bad bearing or rubbing against something else. The buzz occurs when starting the vehicle after it has been off for several hours, and intermittently while driving (maybe once every couple of days), and exactly one minute after powering off. It began occurring a few months ago. I asked my dealer to fix it but I was unable to duplicate the problem at their service bay. Very frustrating! So what's wrong with my vehicle?
Are you sure it's coming from the climate control system? I wouldn't expect the climate control system to be doing anything at all once you shut the car off and the fact that it happens consistantly after you shut the car off leads me to believe that it may be something else. Of course... I don't know what else. Have you tried driving with the climate control system off to see if the problem still happens?
Mighty is as mighty does. I'm on a different pc right now, not sure how I ended up on a different login.
It its hard to diagnose from your description. I know that in my tundra, after I changed the cabin air filter, a little piece of leaf got stuck in the blower fan. It was an easy fix. I haven't looked at the schematics for the HVAC system on the prius so I am not even sure where the blower is at.
Nope, definitely not a leaf in the fan. The noise comes from near the climate system, not from the vent. It occurs at certain times, including exactly one minute after powering down the vehicle (with no air movement), and the noise is always the same. It seems to be something in the climate system buzzing as it shuts off, then buzzing again as it powers back on.
You aren't hearing the brake booster, are you? Does it do it with everything off (radio,climate control)or in accessory mode? The AC compressor buzzes but that is more of an outdoor noise.