Does anyone feel more conscious towards the environment ever since getting this car? Not my primary reason of buying a Prius, but I've been getting more conscious about the environment even before buying a Prius, but now I'm even MORE conscious.
I have always cared about the environment, which is the reason I researched hybrid cars when it was time to buy a car. I can't say it has made me more aware though
If it makes you any more aware of a need for making the world better then I wouldn't think twice about it! If a prius makes you feel like hugging trees then hug away!
I think it makes me view non-Prius drivers as even more stupid than before. I know the cost is an issue for many people, but there are certainly many people who could afford it but instead get a huge truck with oversize tires just so they can drive to the grocery store on flat paved roads.
+1 I don't understand the need for so many trucks and SUVs on the road. A lot of people have them, but they don't "need" them. To each his/her own, but IMO it's a waste of space, money, and resources. I've always cared about the environment and resources, which is why the Prius is a perfect fit for me. I love that I'm not polluting the environment anymore with my old, smokey Corolla.
I don't feel environmentally friendly just because I drive a Prius. If I were getting 100mpg instead of 50's I'd feel better. I do feel environmentally friendly in other areas of resource management such as my partial commitment to xeriscaping using drought-tolerant plants, reduced water and no lawn. I increased my focus on recycling including re-using some waste water in the landscape. Don't misunderstand...I enjoy the high MPGs, low emissions and benefit of some recycled materials in my Prius, and that's all good stuff.
I truly hate the term "tree hugger"; it minimizes the reason for the environmental movement. If you come right down to it, it's people this is about. Probably not us, but our children, grandchildren ... The trees and most green things are the "lungs of the earth". They take our CO2 emissions-including what we exhale and store the carbon. They "exhale" oxygen, it's that simple. Green things balance the system.
Nope. I've been a closet environmentalist since the 70's. Besides....I'm not a real G3 owner. I just drive one everyday.
NOPE! Personally, I am not fond of Japanese cars. I find their use of cheap plastic to be offensive, and their manufacturers seem to have an attitude that they do not need to pay any attention to the users . [OK - GMC has the same attitude.] In the case of the Prius, it's a nice car that suits my needs, and I really love being able to spend less on gas while on long trips. Screw you, GMC!
No because the Prius is still environmentally unfriendly. It's just less toxic than most of the other vehicles on this planet. I agree with tonyrenier. I can't stand the term "treehugger". It's too often used in a derogatory way by uninformed hyper-political people. Speaking of Treehugger: I'd love to put this creature in the mouths of some hyper-political individuals... Hey Newt, come over here for a sec....
I'm also not too fond of the term for the same reason. Here's a quote from Bob Wilson on this review of the Prius the other day. "Regardless, we continue to burn up a non-renewable, hydrocarbon as if the slogan 'drill-baby-drill' will ever fill a tank for an affordable price. But soon enough, even Prius efficiency will not be enough but it is the only answer but not avail[a]ble today." Not enough people (yet) understand this. Until that happens, we'll still get these odd camps of environmental or anti-environmental cliques that often seem connected to religious or political leanings instead of rational or reasonable concern for others. That being said, yes, Prius-it, I think it has made me more careful about my impact It's an ongoing process for me.
Yeah... I caught that too... It makes me reeeeally happy that "my" G3 is festooned with company logos, lest I be mistaken for one of "those" Prius drivers....