I posted this in another thread, but thought more people might see it here, I am desperate for help, lol! My 2010 prius is making a strange sound, and has been since day one. I have looked around on the forums and have seen a few people mention it but no solutions/explinations. It makes a "Chirping" sound sometimes that can be heard inside the cabin and sounds like it is coming from the center dash. Here is a video of the noise. Here are some things I have noticed about the noise: 1. Only happens when gas pedal is depressed, not when braking or coasting. 2. When the display is in "Eco" it happens loudest and consistently when the bar is 3/4 of the way full, but it can happen (although the clicking is slower and less consistent) at 1/2 or just before the power section of the bar. 3. The car must be "warmed up" i.e. doesn't happen right away, car must be driven for 10-15 min if engine is cool. 4. Seems to be happening more/more quickly after starting the car in the hotter weather (I purchased my car in Feb.) Hope you can help! I haven't taken it in yet, I was tying to get some ideas before talking to the dealership.
Does it make the noise when you accelerate using the cruise control, or only when you move the gas pedal? In case you have a hungry squirrel living under your dash, I would drive with my legs tightly crossed until you get things resolved.
Both, it does it when using the cruise control or pushing the pedal. Its REALLY annoying, lol. I am going to take it in asap, but I wanted to try to get an idea so the dealership didn't just shoo me away. Also, it does not matter if the AC is on or off.
it almost sounds like something is rubbing somewhere in the car. Have you removed everything from the car that you've put in there since getting it? any random items. It could be the plastic just ever so slightly loose too.
I have the same noise in my Prius. It sounds as if it's coming from the speaker in the dash on the passenger side. It is there, we can hear it......but does not drive us crazy.
It is definitely not something rubbing, at least not something I have put in, I have removed everything. It also doesn't go away when pushing on any part of the dash or opening glove boxes, etc. This noise is definitely not coming from the speaker (I got around and crawled on the floor while my husband was driving, and didn't hear it near the speakers either), its coming from the dash, not under it but maybe behind the steering wheel. It is actually quite loud and not even music can cover it up, unless the stereo is blasting.
With the sound bouncing around the cabin......here's how I'm going to locate it. http://www.amazon.com/Lisle-52500-Mechanics-Stethoscope/dp/B0002SQYSM Let you know what I find
Just got my car back from Toyota. It seems they have fixed it! They called in a specialist (after their technicians couldn't diagnose it) and he said that it was a rattle of the "heater hoses and clamps" caused by the engine/antifreeze temperature combined with the RPM's of the motor. They rerouted the hoses and installed the clamps in different locations. Currently, my car is not making the noise. They said if it comes back let them know and they will try again. So, if your car is making this noise - its not normal but it could be a common problem, seeing as to it was an engineering/design issue. If anyone is having this problem and takes their car in and the technician can't figure out what it is my service manager said they can reference this claim number: 111570301, to see what my service dept. did to fix the problem. Good Luck!
Been having this issue for the longest time and the dealership thinks I'm crazy because they can't hear the voice when they test drive it. Thank you for posting this so I can show my dealership. Thanks!! iPhone ?
I know its been quite a while but did this end up fixing your issue? My car sounds just like the video you reference above but the dealership is in denial. Thanks in advance.