America's most listened-to radio commentator apparently still suffers bouts of delerium. He recently purchased a full-page ad in Time (10/24/05) proclaiming himself "America's Anchorman". (I assume he ran ads in other magazines---anyone see one?) Across the bottom of the page: "The Nation Trusts Rush". I tried to keep my bias out of the poll. Even if Rush isn't your main squeeze, do you listen to other talk radio a lot? Whom do you like? Edit: to delete erroneous information re: Limbaugh having been convicted of "doctor shopping" in FL and thus being a "felon"; and expanding first paragraph with info about Time ad.
I can't stand any talk radio, mostly because it's either boring, or so full of distorted facts/blowhards as to make it useless. Conservative, liberal, hell even sports talk radio are all the same in my book. It's either NPR or the iPod for me. I guess the closest thing I come to listening to talk radio is "le Show"
what he said... Although I have to throw in the note, that I voted "6".... I tend to lean towards the right on many issues, but Rush is just too damn obnoxious...
Rush is not "conservative" - he specializes in disinformation, exaggeration and distortion. He is shallow and operates on pseudo truths. I am too busy to waste my ears on such bizarre fluff.
I can't stand any right wing radio or tv people, with one exception. Sometimes I do watch McLaughlin Group when no one is looking.
Wasn't there some sorta scandal with OTC drug abuse about 5 years ago? I just dont' follow this stuff. I loathe talk radio.
Another vote for "never listen to talk radio", of any stripe (and that includes Al Franken, who I also dislike.) I'm a big NPR listener; I think they do a good job of separating information from opinion. One of my favorite jokes: Q:: What is the difference between Rush Limbaugh and the Hindenburg? A:: One is a flaming Nazi gasbag, while the other is just a dirigible.
I ran across this survey just as I was starting to eat lunch at work. :wacko: Now that I've managed to keep it down, I don't know how anyone with an IQ above 20 can even stand to listen to Brush Lintball (I can't even bring myself to type his name). He is such a pompus nice person that anyone with any brain has to realize that his show is nothing more than the current line coming out of Karl Rove's daily talking points fax machine. Even if some of the points that are being put forth are valid the delivery person is such a turn off I can't listen to him. If his lungs were on fire I wouldn't.... I like talk radio and listen to various programs on NPR, on KGO and on AirAmerica. At the same time there are some of the people on AirAmerica that are almost as bad as Lintball and when they come on I turn it off and turn on NPR. My favorties are Al Franken (he has some good guests on his show) and Jerry Springer (no, not the tv show) because he does do a fairly intelligent job of talking both sides of an issue. I've a bit of a news junkie because I also watch the Sunday morning commentaries and CNN, MSNBC, BBC, and CBC. I also subscribe to the NY Times and read the Washington Post and the Asahi-Shinbun on-line. It is at the feet of the far right and far left commentator, e.g., Lintball, and pseudo-news programs, e.g., Fox (Faux) News that we must lay the cause of the devisiveness in our country. Exchanging ideas requires that people not only talk but they listen with respect to the views of others. All these extremests do is shout over the top of a caller (or interviewee) and then cut the person off to make their own point. h34r:
I had to scurry to look it up. I thought he had pleaded guilty and been sentenced to treatment. I was wrong. His guilty "plea" was only a public statement. According to Wikipedia, it's still "under investigation" in FL. The ACLU is assisting Limbaugh's "defense-to-be attorney". Sounds like charges may never be filed. I apologize for the error. Edit: I have deleted reference to RL as a "felon" in the first post.
If Rush's face was on your calculator screen, and you hit the 1/x key, Michael Moore's face would appear.... h34r:
I did. If you go to his website, you can read the actual article that he pulled his commentary from. You won't see that on Air America. Yes he's full of himself. He is entertaining. I love the skits he puts together. No he was not convicted. He admitted he had a problem with painkillers. The ongoing investigation is the DA has gotten his medical records and that is wrong. Do you want your medical records to be the playthings of anyone that wants to charge your with something? Karl Rove talking points? Rush has been on the radio long before anyone ever knew who Karl Rove is. He has never put forth false documents like ABC (or whichever one it was) and then when they were proven forgeries, they still said that they believed them and stood by putting them out.
His defense rests on the fact that he needed those painkillers for a back injury, IIRC. Since it's directly related, you have to admit the medical records to be able to prove whether they were necessary or not. I guess you could just forego the medical records and show some pictures of him out playing 18 holes of golf on his "bad back", though...
How about the people who DO listen to talk radio? It's always amazing to me that they all seem to listen to it in their cars with the volumn turned WAYYYYYYYYYY up. The option that I would have voted on if it was listed isn't yea or nay, but rather, YAWN.
olcorral -- your avatar is having a strange effect on me. I hear the comments you've written in Jack Lord's voice.